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I sat perfectly still as I tried listening. I could hear foot steps near me, pacing.

"You're going to ring Ryder." Vincent told me. "Tell him that he can keep that kid and to never look for you."

I started sobbing. Why is he doing this?

"Any wrong moves and we will be discussing who I get to shoot first." He growled.

I felt my mouth piece taken out off my mouth and I started straight away.

"You bastard! All because I wouldn't sleep with you!"

I felt the hard sting of his hand go across my face, making me bite my lip. My cheek stung but I did it again.

"You are sick! You know that, right?"

Another slap, in the same spot.

"Don't provoke me." He growled.

I felt the blood trickling down my lip and chin. It was throbbing and I couldn't even wipe the blood away.

"Fine!" I yelled. "But for your plan to work, I have to be me. Not you." I told him.

I felt the end of the gun against my temple. "Just tell him to back away. I don't care how you do it. Tell him to never look for you." Vincent pushed my head with the gun as I took shaky breaths. I gave him a nod and the gun was removed, replaced by a phone.

I heard it ringing and I had to come up with a plan. Something quick.

"Rhea! Where the hell are you?" I heard Ryder's concerned voice.

I swallowed and tried to keep a calm voice. "I heard you found Rowan?"

"Yes. He is safe. Where are you?"

This is it. Now or never. "Ryder," I started. "Forget everything I told you. You can keep..." my voice was starting to shake. Keep it together, I told myself, I'm just acting. It's not real. "You can have Rowan full time."


"I mean it. Don't bother about me. I'm fine. I'm moving on." I tried not to cry. "Find someone else, give Rowan siblings. He loves hiking, even for his age. I've taken him to nearly every local spot. He loves looking at the wildlife in the bushes and trees."

"What's wrong with you?" Ryder snapped.

"Nothing. I just think you'll be better for him than me. I can't even keep him safe. You say that.... " I took another breathe. "Please, Ryder. Do that for me. Just let me be. I only want what's best for Rowan. He deserves a proper family with a mother that loves his father, with siblings." I repeated that word again. "Take him out more, he loves the outdoors. He loves Australian animals in their habitat. I'm sorry Ryder." I felt the pressure of the gun on my forehead. Vincent wants me to wrap it up. "I'm so sorry." I cried out as the phone was taken away from me.

"That's more than enough." Vincent snipped out.

"You got what you wanted. Let me go!" I sobbed. I felt the mouth gag go back in.

"Not quite yet." He told me as I felt his hand in my hair, making me shiver again.


I don't know how long I had been in this place. I was still tied and gagged. It felt like days. I was up against a wall, my head dropping as I tried not to fall asleep.

Vincent said he had to go and play the caring brother, but I doubt that. I was so uncomfortable and bored and over waiting for something to happen.

I dropped to the ground and shot awake, the pain in my shoulder and head jolting in me as I landed against the concrete floor.

I hope the hints I gave to Ryder was enough. I hope he will follow the clues.

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