41 • 7/18/20

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"M-A-H-O MAHO GIRLS!!!!" The tv blared.

"M-A-H-O MAHO GIRLS!!!!" Nagisa screamed. "YEAHHHHHH!!!!!"

Makoto shot up, Haru completely asleep and unbothered. How did he sleep through Nagisa's screaming.

"ARA, ARA, ARA MODO!!!!" Nagisa yelled.

"SHUT UP NAGISA!" Rin yelled from the other room.


Makoto went out to investigate, and saw Nagisa doing karaoke in front of the TV with Rei and Rin closing their ears.

"The Olympics are coming up, and these two magical girls are ambassadors, so I have to familiarize myself with them!" Nagisa explained.

"That doesn't mean you have to blare their anime ending and yell it at 7 in the morning! We all stayed up until 12:30 last night playing Twister, remember? So we're all really tired!!" Rin complained. "I'm going back to bed."

"Plus, we don't want to wake up Haru." Makoto said calmly.

"Haru-Chan's asleep still?" Nagisa asked.

"Not anymore. I thought I heard Makoto call me so I woke up." Haru yawned, coming out of the bedroom. "Why are we up at 7 in the morning?"

"You missed, it Haru-kun. And you're lucky for that." Rei told him.

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