"first day"

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I woke and my sis and brother in my side I stand slowly and take a bath and change my clothes to dress and I woke my brother and sister .

"Yah...wake up..let's go downstairs and cook I'm hungry!"I said to them and they woke and we run downstairs I saw  mom and dad and also Taehyung mom and dad..

" owh..good morning.." I said to theme  so nervous..

"Honey pack your clothes now.." My mom said while holding my hand

" mom..",,,"don't worry mom will see you again now go upstairs and pack now.."mom said..

I walk upstairs and pack my clothes and put some, powder to my face a lip tint,,,and going downstairs and taehyung father said..

" let's go y/n..",,I hug mom and dad also my sis and bro and good bye wave...

After a long journey we already at Taehyung's house...

" were her y/n,,welcome to your new house. " Taehyung's mother said.

"Let's go inside." Taehyung dad said,,walking and enter the house...

Its pretty big and it's like a castle you seat at the sofa...

"Y/n,come Whit me.." Taehyung mom said,,,we go upstairs and bring me to my room..

"Y/n,this is your room and taehyung room is in front of your room.." I ask Taehyung mother..

"Uhm..mom..where's Taehyung..?"...

" he must be in his room I think his sleeping Darling,, just wait until he wake,, he already known you darling." He said whit smile..

Taehyung mom and dad on the way to their house and I still waiting on Taehyung in the sofa.

I walk upstairs and and taehyung his open door and said ~

" you must be Lee Y/n." He ask and I look at him...

"Owh,yes.." I bowed at him and taehyung walk closer to me..

" huh..lucky your not ugly at all.." He said and smile a little at me..

" ok beautiful,, we have a rules her,no entering to others room instead of mine and your room and also you can enter if I bring you their, do not touch me and I only touch you,do not touch my books and pictures ok.." He smile at me and pat my head..

What kind of rules is that..such a childish person...

I open my room and close the door slowly and take rest..,after I got rest I change clothes in my
over size T-shirt and a black sweatpants...


someone knocking at the I open and taehyung is on the door and said~

" can you cook?." He said to me while holding his phone....

" uhm..yes....",I said to him whit nervous face...I follow his big steps and I crash at taehyung shoulder..

" your still like where we little kid's..." I was shock after he said *where we little kids what* what's the meaning of that..

" s-sorry...huh...what do you mean? ",I ask him.

" huh,,,I forgot you have a amnesia,never mind it.." He smiled at me and I ask him again..

"Hey what's the meaning of that?!" He walk closer and said," your my childhood friend y/n.."...


Do you like my story just click the star and love Taehyung and the bangtan,,,,,readers..🚀👽

~pink cat😻

😻- I'm orange not pink...hehehe.. But it's steel me pink cat..ugggg never mind I'm pink and orange!!!

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