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"Hey Poison!" Sammy chirped. "Huh?" Poison mews. "You cannot talk... I forgot!" Sammy chirps again. Poison looks at Sam's action figures and purrs. Maybe this isn't so bad. He thought. "The worst warrior! Get out of here!" Sammy roared. Poison sighed, then whispered. "Once that'll happen to me. They'll kick me to the curb and watch me get eaten." Sammy made his toys jump on Poison. "Fight baby!!!" Sammy roared again. "Owwie!" Poison squealed. "Oh sorry if I hunted you, baby!" Sammy mews. Their dad came downstairs. Poison begged and scratched on the door. "Help me!" Poison begged. The door sooner opened. "Let's go for a walk by the forest." "I want to see the cats their and start a adoption on them. Probably sell their blood. I'll do something with them badder then a dog licking them!" Jack muttered. "Oh god no... CRYSTALPAW!" Poison mewed. Cats came out and mewed. "Poison!" They all yowl. Poison waits till' the cheers die out. "Is this a birthday?" Jack said. "Just my anniversary." Poison laughs. Jack picks up a few kitties and goes back. "Are we living with you?" Meowkit asks. "No. H-he's selling your blood... I'm his kittypet." Poison shivers. "Shut up! We won't let that happen." Slimekit meows. "Fox dung!" A knife rushes past them, chipping Poison's ear. "OWWIE!" Poison snaps, then growls. "What the heck?"
But soon a warrior sounds a scream by a room.


A scream pierced their ears. But once poison has gotten upstairs, his blood was taken. "Hallowmolt..." Poison mews. "Why you!" He adds. "No way I'll let you die!" Poison tips the blood jar over then blood spills in his body. "You can survive this if you try!" Poison encourages. "Try placed marigold in it." Slimekit works her way into his body. "W-what?" Hallow mumbles, hoarsely. "We have some time before we all die. Only the kids are nice to us. Maybe they'll understand when there is a crisis." Poison meows. (Meanwhile!)
They were now in Pearla Lemons bed. The lost safest bed in the world.

Too bad there was only capacity for 20 cats. Not 30. But there was another bed just for keepsakes. So the cats placed red munched up roses in jars. "Looks like real blood, right?" Monoflutter whispered. "Yes." Slimekit replied. "It'll last for some time. The kids help chew up some too... I don't think they went through it..." Slimekit mewed. "Pearla Lemon is the bigger sis. She probably survived it. Can't believe they understand us!" Slime mewed. "Meowkit, you are the most best kit. Puppaw is no longer alive but at least she is in a safer place..." Poison mewed.

Jack soon killed himself during his own rage and minimum of time to sell and kill the cats. He lived a good life and was very wealthy. Had 4 kids and 1 wife named Liona.

Word count:
506 words! Congrats people for making this possible and making me a place in Wattpad! I am now unmotivated... help

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