The air was very frigid and cold as new leaf started to roll in. Poisonfeather was just waking up, and as he opened his eyes, he rolled out of his nest. "Where's the fresh kill pile...?" He said, drowsily.
Diamondcrystal has also gotten out of bed, doing dawn patrol early. "What are you doing so early at dawn?" Diamondcrystal snapped, turning away.
"I dunno." Poison turned away, starting to prod. Why did Starclan wake me up so early?
Poisonfeather stopped at a limp half eaten mouse. "Eh, that'll go away." Just as a hawk swooped the mouse up, Poison has already gotten to his den.
Poison fell asleep.
He woke up, biting his tongue. I'm in Starclan! Poisonfeather thought. Cats who've died appeared. "Hi Mangopaw, Hi Terracetail, and hi Featherstring!" Poisonfeather laughed.
"You need to get out of your clan." Featherstring warned. "Why?" Poison sighed. "Cause, there is going to be a plot twist, and bloodclan with Rainclan, Grassclan, and Pokeclan, they will fight us and be really strong with only 4 clans." Mangopaw said. Terracetail just nodded his head and swiped a paw over his head.
(This is really short)
Poisonfeather woken up. A smell of smoke and blood filled his awaking nose. A fire sparked. His heart was beating as fast as he can. Dying cats were in Starclan, he was the only person alive with the fire. Poisonfeather cried."Dad!" Poisonfeather cried. Raintail ran into the fire. Raintail ran with Poisonfeather to lead him out of the fire. "What happened?" Poisonfeather cracked. "Bloodclan... What did Starclan tell you?" Raintail ordered.
Poisonfeather explained everything, then sniffed out the Moonstone. "Follow me guys!" Poisonfeather prodded away from the burning clan. "What are we going to do about this!" Yellowfang yelled. "Tell Starclan." Poisonfeather smiles.
Once they got to Moonstone....
It was like a different place. It was dawn. Poisonfeather dipped his nose down to the moonstone. "Guys, go to sleep." Poisonfeather ordered. "But it's dawn..." Heatherstar mewled."SUN! SET ALREADY!" Poisonfeather cried. The sun setted. "Thank you Starclan." Poisonfeather fell asleep.
(In Starclan)
"Wow.." Poisonfeather mewed. "Hello." Slimekit, Featherstring, Bluejay we're standing in front of them.
TBC >:)
Word count:
373 words! Perfect! Even though this is short I read more Warrior cats!
Poisonfeather's Destiny
Azione"Paws fight, but fangs kill." Brokenstar whispered through Poisonfeathers ear. Poison glared around to see the walls closing in, and the faded outlines of the worthy cats of Dark Forest. He glared back to see his mom. "You..." Poison snarled. "I re...