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Pinkflower was gone. Now Poisonfeather was lonely. "Imma fall asleep again. I need to know what that was." Poison dazed off.
Poison was in a blank slate now. 4 kits were ripped out of their mothers stomachs. The 4 kits emerged into Yellowfang and Poisonfeather. Poison's mind was flurried by the blood of Yellowfang's pelt. Yellowfang turned into Pinkflower. "Now baby, lets become a leader."  She said.


Poison turns his head to look at the white and ginger shape.

"Hah, you think I like you?" Poison snarls. "Of course I do," he says. "Awwh, I love you." Pink mews. A big white claw fades the two shapes into black. "Starclan?!" Poisonfeather called. Drips echoed from the ceiling. The drips looked like blood. "What..." Poisonfeather backs away. "You will restart your life, starting by blood. We will restart your blood and turn it into kit blood."

"Not my blood..." Poisonpaw got drained from his blood. "Not now..." Poisonkit squirmed. Poisonkit soon woke up. "I'm a real kit?" He said. "Good morning, Poisonkit." Snowstar came. Slimekit walked over. "Good morning baby." Slimekit mewed. "Hi mom." Poison mewed in the most annoying and squeakiest voice in the world. Wait, so if I get reborn I have Snowstar back? Starclan, PLEASE P L E A S E listen. And listen to me carefully. If you don't, I'm so sorry for interrupting you. Forgive me. Poisonkit called. Yes, we may. And no problem. You got Snowstar back cause she needed you to do something. I hope you understand. Fine if you don't. We will have Snowstar back. Soon. Starclan, signing out. Starclan answered. "What..." Poison threw himself to his nest. "Hopefully I have a good dream. Starclan has to give me and answer." (Oh meh god im listening to BTS so fireee!)

Poisonkit snuggles in his nest and closes his eyes. (In his dream) sadly, Poisonkit doesn't see anything with his mate. "Where's Yellowfang..." He asked. Instead, he sees Pinkkit and Yellowkit. "Choose one of us to play with." They both say. Poisonkit prodded up to a white shape in the air. "Is this me..." Poisonkit cries. Yes. This is you. Poisonkit remembers. Yellowkit licks the tiny shape. "Oh. Yeah." Poisonkit mews. Poisonkit prods up to Pinkflower. I can change my life this way. But why will and would I? Yellowfang is my mate and part of my destiny. Poisonkit licked Yellowkit. "Thank you so much." Yellowkit
Word count:
500 words! Thank you guys so much for supporting me! You make me so happy!1!1!1 I don't even know what to say but this, I love you so much and I hope you hold your destiny and never fail and always eat French fries! People who actually read the word count really take this seriously! I love all of you and you guys that I read are so inspiring! Lol, I read myself sadly. I am very lonely. But yeah, I love all of you now good bye guys! Love~

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