"Hey uh, Yellowfang? I thought you were a boy. Your a female, correct?" Poison mewed. "Correct. Can I be your mate? Please? Starstorm was your mothers mate, so you need me... I'm a medicine cat just like your mother." Yellowfang places her head gently onto Poisonfeather's flank. "Ehh... Sure?" Poison muttered. "W-what was that sure? Do you want to be my mate?" Yellowfang said. "Of course I do!" Poison chirps. "We'll have kits together!" Poison added. They continued to walk to the mountains, where Shadowclan lived. "Awesome! You are the best Poison!" Yellowfang purred. "Of course, Poison." Yellowfang purred. "Do you think your getting kits today?" Poison asked. "Good morning guys. Where have YOU been little kit?" Slimekit meowed with a stern tone. "We've just walked through the forest. We went to Pearla's house!" Poison replied. "Oh. Good you didn't get caught again." Slimekit giggled. "O-of course.!" Poisonfeather stuttered. The couple walked to the den. "Did Raggedpelt die?" Cloverkit mewed. "Yes. Why are you so worried about it. I didn't get enough time to heal him... Death laid upon him now." Yellowfang mewed. He died? Help him at least! He was your mate! A couple broken up? Not today! He died cause of you! Words rang in Yellowfang's head.
A scream was heard close to Skyclan territory. "Uh, I'm gonna go and check that out. It may be my mom. Or Puppaw.. Not like I'm worried about her or anything..." Poison mewed, with a disappointing tone. Poison ran to the Skyclan territory. "But one thing, MY MOM DOESN'T HAVE A MATE!" Poisonfeather snapped while running. "Okay!" Yellowfang got some willow. Poisonfeather ran back fastly with a herd of kitty pets hoarding behind her. Poisonfeather winced and hid the pain. "Help!" Poisonfeather yowled. "What the..." Yellowfang mewed. "Kittypet battle!" Icepelt yowled. A hoard of kitty pets got 2 cats to battle. 5 medicine cats were chosen to heal. Cats were being clawed and some were already down. A cat with a ginger glare, blue and white collar with the name, Azul on it ringed a bell in Poison's mind. Is it my old kittypet friend, Bluetail... Poisonfeather thought. "Azul!" Poison yelled. "Wha..." Azul mewed confused. "DONT MAKE FRIENDS WITH THE CAT! KILL THEM! SHOW NO MERCY!" Pickypaw yelled. "But why don't we befriend the warriors?" Crustwing, a old Shadowclan traitor mewed. "You don't bribe me." Yellowfang hid her own pain from the battle. "We have prey from the aiiir!" Rainypaw bribed. "YOU SURE BRIBE ME!" Poisonfeather purrs. "Wow... I have a mate that's a complete idiot." Yellowfang mewed to herself. Yellowfang trotted to Poisonfeather. "Haha!" "LOOK!" Poisonfeather mewed. The kitty pets soon walked away. "Good job, idiots." Featherstorm hissed. "We weren't making friends, Yellowfang Just was trying to do her business as fast as she can cause Brightflower is about to die." Poisonfeather picked on some rock from the mountains. "Oh yeah yeah. But I believe you." Featherstorm mewed. "Uh Oh..." Yellowfang said. "What's wrong?" Poison said back. "Mangopaw has 1 life left. Don't tell anyone." Yellowfang sighed. "Ok." Featherstorm cuddles his leaf them rested on a rock. "Feather, your deputy, Yellowfang, your a leader with me, and if Mangopaw dies, I'll be the new leader, even if I have no experience." Poisonfeather mewed. "Hi kitties." Mangopaw meowed, then fell flank down. "MASTER!" Bluetail meowed. "Bluetail?" Poison mewed. "Yeah. I got rid of that stupid collar. I knew my destiny was here." Bluetail purred. Bluetail got some cobwebs and some marigold poultice, then placed it on Mangopaw's flank. "Is that what your supposed to do?" Yellowfang asked. "I was Sagewhisker's mentor. Of course!" Bluetail muttered. The rest was quiet. Bluetail placed poppyseed in Mango's mouth. "That's not how it works!" Yellowfang mewed. "You'll see what it does." Bluetail said. "Ok?" Poisonfeather muttered.
Word count:
Uhh, it's 700 words. Is that good? Well sure it is. I'm gonna get it to 700 soon. Maybe. I'll continue this, cause I've never had 700 words before and I want to reach that limit so... -gets tea- How's life? Good? Same with me. Yeah, I love you guys all. You guys make me satisfied for some reason. Weird, huh? Yeah bye.
Poisonfeather's Destiny
Action"Paws fight, but fangs kill." Brokenstar whispered through Poisonfeathers ear. Poison glared around to see the walls closing in, and the faded outlines of the worthy cats of Dark Forest. He glared back to see his mom. "You..." Poison snarled. "I re...