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TW: Verbal abuse, Physical abuse, self-harm, self-hatred, 

Each person walked up and ordered their individual slices. Patrick decided to order three, boxing 2 of the slices up for his parents for whenever.

The 8 of them sat down in the mainly empty pizzeria. It was a good hour before the dinnertime rush occurred so no one was really there and they had enough tables to push together so they could all sit. Upon getting his pizza, Andy took a quick bite, moaning as he chewed. The entire table burst into laughter, Brendon complaining that soda went into his nose but showing no signs of halting his giggles. 

"It's so fucking good though!" Andy defends himself, taking a quieter bite.

Gerard holds his to his lips, blowing on the melting cheese. Frank simply takes a large bite, too hungry to cool it down. He instantly regretted his decision as the cheese and sauce burned his tongue and the roof of his mouth. Frank wildly flails, trying to chew with his mouth open. The table watches with small smiles. Dallon jumps up from next to Patrick like he's on fire. He snatches Frank's drink and walks to the self-serve fountain to dump it. He fills the cup with crushed ice and returns to the table as Frank swallows his bite. 

"Put this in your mouth to soothe it, okay?" Dallon slides the cup to Frank who takes a mouthful of ice like a shot. His cheeks are puffed out as the cold ice soothes his agony.

"Daddy Dallon to the rescue." Brendon smirks.

Dallon shrugs. "You're all my precious children."

"You're such a tree." Gerard says before taking a bite of his slice.

"I thought I was Dad..." Dallon smirks.

"I'm so tired of these dad jokes." Ryan sighs.

Dallon whips his head to Ryan so fast it scares Patrick. His mouth has a open-mouth smile so wide, Patrick's scared his face will break. "NICE TO MEET YOU 'SO TIRED OF THESE DAD JOKES', I'M DAD!"

Joe claps happily. "Ryan, you walked right into that one."

"I made a mistake..." Ryan shakes his head.

"Oh, what the fuck?!" Joe yells loudly.

"JOSEPH!" Andy smacks his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" Patrick asks, cocking his head.

"The only mistake we made is not going to the new sushi place down the street!" Joe flips his phone to show everyone the screen.

Gerard wrinkles his nose, "Sushi?"

"There's a new place?" Brendon perks up.

"It says here that it's part of a new superstore..." Dallon frowns.

"Superstore food sucks." Frank frowns.

"Hey, Joe..." Dallon's voice deepens an octave.

"Here  we go..." Ryan puts his face in his hands while everyone waits in amusement.

"I wouldn't eat that sushi if I were you...It's part of a superstore and sushi from there seems a little fishy." Dallon's cheeks go red as he bites back his laughter.

"I fucking hate this club." Ryan sighs, biting back laughter of his own. He then stands, "I'm leaving, I'll call you all later."

"Don't call me later, call me dad." Dallon barely chokes it out.

The table erupts with laughter as Ryan plops back and down shoves pizza in his mouth. It's the second time today he's walked into Dallon's jokes.

Patrick's surprised to see this much activity out of Dallon. He hasn't heard the gentle giant speak much and he seems like the rest; funny, kind, genuine, and witty.

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