{ Soon will be written as a story called, "Your Sweetheart" }
I have a bouquet of flowers on my desk,
They were blue and yellow,
They reminded me of the ocean and the sun,
They were addressed to me, with the note "I love you", from "your sweetheart".
A smile instantly spread on my face because I knew who it was,
My boyfriend had sent me these beautiful flowers,
I would go home and thank him,
I would go home and tell him "I love you".
When I got home, flowers in hand, I smiled at him,
He smiles back, and I say, "thank you for these",
He gave me a strange look,
I say, "what's wrong love?",
He tells me, "I didn't send you those",
I say, "You must've because who else could it have been?",
He looked weary,
I slowly took this all in, I have a secret admirer, one I didn't think I wanted.