I love you a lot you know?

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Now that Taehyung was kicked out of both rooms, he didn't know where to go, so he opted to going to Jimin and Hoseok's shared room as he knew Hoseok was in Yoongi's room and Jimin was in Jungkook's room.

After Jimin stopped crying for the second time, Taehyung talked to him some more.

"Jiminie... have you finished crying?"


"Okay good, come here," Taehyung opened his arms and Jimin practically jumped into it.

It was silent for a few minutes, both of them were just basking in each other's presence.


"Yeah Jiminie?"

"What did you mean when you said, that it wasn't true that Jungkook thought I wasn't special?

"Jimin I told you, you have to ask him this yourself."

"But Tae-"

"Jimin, you know me, I'm not the type to go around telling people secrets,"

"I know Tae, but please can you tell me something,"

"All I can tell you is that Jungkook likes you a lot,"

"He likes all of us a lot,"

"Of course, he does, but he likes you a lot more, please Jimin, go talk to him,"

It was silent for a couple of minutes after that, only the sound of their breathing could be heard.

"Okay Tae...."

"Okay what?" Taehyung asked, it was silent for a while and then Jimin had just randomly said ok.

"Okay I'll go talk to him,"

"You will?"

"Yep, I'll be going now," Jimin affirmed.

"Oh, ok good luck," Taehyung said.

After Jimin was gone, he lied in Jimin's bed for 5 minutes before walking out to watch TV.


"Jiminie, I'm going to carry you inside okay?" Jungkook declared.

Jimin merely nodded.

Jungkook then removed his arms from around Jimin and placed one under his knees and one on his back and lifted him off the ground. One would call this 'bridal style'.

Jungkook carried Jimin towards his bed and laid him on it.

Just as Jungkook was about to walk away to close the door, he felt a hand tug his shirt. He looked down and saw Jimin crying again.

"Hyung? What's wrong..."

"Please...' Jimin brokenly said. 'stay with me..."

"Of course, Hyung, I'm just going to close the door,"

Jimin let go of Jungkook's shirt. Jungkook ran towards the door and slammed it shut, eager to be near Jimin once again.

He slipped in under the covers next to Jimin and Jimin instantly buried his head into Jungkook's neck, Jungkook laying an arm protectively over Jimin's tiny waist.

"You have to eat more Hyung," Jungkook urged.

Jimin let out a breathy laugh.

"Yeah, I know,"

"I'm going to make sure you eat more,"

"I know you will... thanks Kookie,"


Jimin is too cute for his own good (and Jungkook is whipped) | JikookWhere stories live. Discover now