Jiminie Hyung! I'm bored - come cuddle me!

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"Jiminie Hyung! I'm bored – come cuddle me!" Jungkook screamed across the room.

"Jungkookie, I am making food, just wait a few minutes!" Jimin screamed back sighing.

It had been 8 months since the fight happened between the two yet they still have not confessed to each. 8 more months of just longing and wanting but not doing anything about it.

So much had happened in the 8 months. They won a Billboard Music Award for 'Top Social Artist, they released a new album 'Love Yourself: Her' – with two Music Videos, 'DNA and Mic Drop' with 'Mic Drop' featuring Steve Aoki. They also performed at the AMA's with their song 'DNA' which sparked more fame and recognition internationally as well. They went to the Melon Music Awards and won Best Song Of The Year, with 'Spring Day', Hot Trend Award which Yoongi won with his song 'Wine' which also had artist Suran in it, they also won Best Music Video with 'DNA' and lastly, they won Global Artist of The Year. Lastly, they had finally finished their Wings Tour and could now rest.

But after all that they still haven't even told each other how they feel at all.


Is what Yoongi called them. But it didn't change anything. They still had not declared their love to each other.

"Jimin Hyungie ̴" Jungkook wailed, his bulky arms stretching out waiting for Jimin to settle into them.

Nothing much had changed in the relationship of Jimin and Jungkook seeing as they had no relationship but Jungkook did become a 1000× clingier. It was quite funny sometimes, seeing a grown ass, tall, muscular man, cry for his small and cute Hyung.

"Aishh, Jungkookie, it's going to take like 2 minutes just wait," Jimin sighed before walking over to the freezer to get the ice cream out.

"You said that 2 minutes ago!"

"Yeah, well now I mean it – here eat this while you wait," Jimin shoved the ice cream cup in front of Jungkook's face with one hand and a plastic spoon with the other. Jungkook dejectedly snatched the ice cream out of Jimin's hand and ate it.

As Jimin walked back into the kitchen, Hoseok and Yoongi walked inside the living room, Yoongi however walked towards where he was sitting and plopped down next to him, Hoseok kept walking towards the kitchen.

"Okay kid-"

"I am not a kid!" Jungkook screamed like a brat and continued to lick the ice cream off his spoon.

"Well you sure look like a kid now," Yoongi said, only stopping because Jungkook glared at him. "Anyway, I'm here to talk to you, even if I didn't want to do it..." Yoongi whispered the last part.

"Talk about what?" Jungkook said looking puzzled as he scooped another spoon of ice cream into his mouth.


It was just one word. One name but it caused Jungkook to drop his spoon into the cup, nearly dropping the ice cream cup as well, and choking on the ice cream he just set into his mouth.

"Wha-What about, about him?" Jungkook stuttered, his face also flushing a dark shade of red.

"Hmm, maybe about the fact that you still haven't fucking confessed to him yet, it's December Kook, soon it will be 2018 which means you went another year of being a fucking coward again!" Yoongi yelled without meaning to, he was just trying to drill the information inside the Maknae's head so he would understand.

"Hyung it's just so hard..." Jungkook said quietly, his ice cream laid forgotten even if he was still holding it.

"You think I don't know, you think it was easy for me to confess to Hobi? But I did confess to him even if it was hard Kook, and look how far we've come now, if you don't confess to him or never tell him because it's 'hard' than you never deserved Jimin's love." Yoongi lectured making sure Jungkook was listening to him.

Jimin is too cute for his own good (and Jungkook is whipped) | JikookWhere stories live. Discover now