Yeah, but I don't want you to bow to me, here sit next to me Jiminie Hyung

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A week from the 6th Gaon Chart Music Awards, BTS were found in the arcade, playing games like a kid. At this moment they were playing Dance Dance Revolution or better known as DDR. Hoseok was failing badly at it. The other members were howling with laughter as they watched one of their best dancers not be able to dance at all.

But all Jungkook could think about was how Jimin was wearing Hoseok's jacket. When Hoseok was about to play he took off his jacket and Jimin being the nice friend he is, offered to hold it for him. Hold it. Not frikin wear it.

But Jimin at this moment had Hoseok's jacket wrapped around his shoulders while he was busy laughing and recording Hoseok's failed attempts at dancing. Jungkook just wanted to rip the jacket off him and force Jimin to wear his jacket but Jungkook, unfortunately, wasn't wearing a jacket over his hoodie and therefore could not do that and could only subtly poke his tongue at his cheek to convey his jealousy. Or so he thought he was subtle.

Taehyung walked over and peered at him. "What are you jealous about now?"

"I am not jealous about anything Tae," But his statement was obviously a lie as he poked his tongue against his cheek once more when he heard Jimin laugh once again when Hoseok walked back over to him and placed an arm over his shoulder.

"Sure, and I'm a normal person," Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"You aren't normal, you have a trophy fetish," Jungkook laughed making Taehyung groan.

"Not what I was going for, but whatever helps you understand." Taehyung grunted, rolling his eyes again.

"Understand what?" Jungkook acted oblivious.

"Understand that you're jealous." Taehyung turned to look at Jimin and Seokjin who had his arms around him. "And I'm going to take a wild guess and think that's why,"

Jimin was laughing so much, throwing his body into Seokjin as he tried to contain his laughter as he watched Yoongi dance. Yoongi had gone down on his knees and started using his hands to play instead.

"I'm not jealous." Jungkook repeated.

"Look, it's been so long, I can't believe you haven't confessed yet," Taehyung was exasperated.

"I don't know if he likes me or not," Jungkook said but it was a lie. The I love you Jimin had said to him a week ago was still playing on his mind everyday and he was too much of a coward to say anything about it.

"It's not my place to say anything, but I'm sure Jimin likes you back,"

"If he likes me, why hasn't he done anything?"

"Same, reason why you haven't done anything. You both are cowards,"

"It's not that easy Hyung..."

Taehyung rolled his eyes again. "Welp, you're so boring, I've rolled my eyes like 10 times already just by being in your presence, I'm going over to my best friend!"

"Yeah, well at least I don't make out with trophies."

"Shut up about that! I was happy that we won okay?" Taehyung said angrily as he walked over to Jimin and placed an arm on his shoulder. Jimin looked up and saw it was Taehyung and smiled. Taehyung laughed quietly and looked over at Jungkook who was glaring at him. He winked at him before turning back to watch Namjoon play.

Dang it, if I murder Taehyung, Jimin will kill me...

Lucky bastard...

After Namjoon went on, it was Taehyung turn and Jimin instantly whipped his phone out to record his best friend. Taehyung was doing poorly that it made Jimin laugh so much he fell on Yoongi. They started walking to the next game which was the basketball game where Hoseok was complaining about how he came last in the dance game while Seokjin on the other hand was flaunting his victory of coming first, even daring to say 'Maybe I should give you some dance lessons'. Jungkook tried his best not to let his jealousy show and just continued walking with them towards the basketball shooting game.

Jimin is too cute for his own good (and Jungkook is whipped) | JikookWhere stories live. Discover now