That's fine too, I'm all yours Hyungie!

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"OMG! JIMINIE ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?!!" Jungkook screamed when Jimin walked out of the make-up room. Jimin had just dyed the top of his hair blue and he looked completely hot in Jungkook's opinion.

Jungkook started speed limping towards Jimin.

"Kookie, careful, you're still hurt remember?" Jimin warned when Jungkook started trying to run.

Jungkook finally reached Jimin. "But you look so hot baby, why do you always insist on killing me?"

Jimin giggled. "Says you, your way hotter,"

"No, you!" Jungkook argued.

"No, you!" Jimin countered, still giggling.



"ME!" Seokjin screamed interrupted the couple arguing. "I'm the hottest!"

"Sure you are," Taehyung muttered joining in the conversation.

"I am! I'm worldwide handsome, right Joonie?" Seokjin asked, putting Namjoon on the spot.

"Um, of course dearie..."

"Omg, Namjoon Hyung, calm down with the support for Jin Hyung over there, it's getting out of hand." Taehyung said sarcastically.

Jungkook snickered at the comment.

"Yeah Joon, thanks for the support,"

"Hyung... You know you're the hottest," Namjoon said and rolled his eyes when Seokjin turned the other way.

"Not to disappoint you Hyung, but actually Jimin Hyungie here is the hottest," Jungkook said, back hugging Jimin and resting his chin on Jimin's right shoulder. "Like have none of you guys seen his blue hair yet?"

"Yeah, no homo Minnie, but you look so hot right now," Taehyung agreed.

Jungkook gave Taehyung a death glare from his position on Jimin's shoulder.

"What? I said no homo!" Taehyung screamed in frustration. "Plus, he's my soulmate, I can say that anytime I want!"

Why does the brat have to be jealous of everything?

Jimin rolled his eyes at Jungkook and Taehyung as they were having a staring (more like glaring) competition, none of them willing to look away first.

"Where's Yoongi and Hobi Hyung anyway?"

"Probably sucking each other's faces..." Taehyung answered, still glaring at Jungkook.

"Or fucking!" Jungkook added.

"Kookie!" Jimin screamed, elbowing Jungkook in the chest as he was still back hugging him.

"Ow Hyungie, what was that for," Jungkook said breaking his stare on Taehyung to look at Jimin and rub the part of his chest that was hit.

"HAH! I WIN!" Taehyung screamed running out of the room.

"You swore Kookie!"

"You didn't have to hit me though..." Jungkook pouted.

Jimin giggled.

Kookie is so cuteee...

Jimin got up on his tip toes and pecked Jungkook's pout.

"Ugh you guys, really?" Seokjin asked.

"You literally do things that are way worse than us in front of us all the time!" Jungkook countered and back hugged Jimin again.

"Also, Jinnie Hyung, you frequently tell me that you think them too are so cute so why are you complaining now?" Namjoon asked.

Seokjin gasped. "Are you exposing me?"

Jimin is too cute for his own good (and Jungkook is whipped) | JikookWhere stories live. Discover now