So, is that how you ended up with your coconut hair?

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It was a day after that the 3 members of BTS decided to start their mission to get Jimin and Jungkook together. Jimin and Jungkook had gone to the dance studio to practice the choreography for their solo songs as the Wings Tour was starting in 2 days. Seokjin, Hoseok and Taehyung were all crowded in Taehyung and Namjoon's room. Yoongi and Namjoon were there too but not to participate or help, just to roll their eyes and judge them.

"If you guys aren't here to help, why are you here?" Seokjin asked after seeing Namjoon roll his eyes for the 11th time.

"In any thing you do there will always be someone against you, you just have to ignore them," Namjoon answered.

"How can I ignore you when you keep laughing and rolling your eyes every time I suggest something?"

"I don't know, but I'm not leaving." Namjoon uttered.

"Why won't you leave when you have a choice? Seokie over here, isn't letting me leave and you however, can but you won't?" Yoongi frustratedly asked.

"I know deep down you can help that's why," Was Hoseok's reply.

"I'm not helping, this is stupid, why don't you listen to me when I say you should let them progress their relationship themselves?"

"Because, if we leave it to them and let them progress it, there'd be no progress," Hoseok fought back.

Yoongi dismissed Hoseok's statement. "Whatever, I'll stay here because I have nothing else to do but I'm not going to help you,"

"Fine, just don't distract or try to persuade us otherwise,"


"So great, everything is settled, what can we do to help them," Taehyung asked.

"We can do what Namjoon suggested yesterday remember, push them so they fall on top of each other," Seokjin giggled.

"No, that's what I told you not to do." Namjoon shook his head.

"Well, we're doing it anyway, who wants to push them?"

"I don't want to push Jimin but if I push Jungkook onto Jimin he'll squash him." Taehyung grumbled.

"Well you don't have to push him, you can just nudge him or something," Yoongi pointed out.

"I thought you weren't going to help?" Hoseok questioned.

"I'm not, I just wanted to point that out, because you guys were too foolish to think of it yourself," Yoongi replied nonchalantly.

"I know that secretly means that you love us and you're going to help us," Taehyung said.

"No, the only one I love is Hobi,"

"Aww, love you too," Hoseok kissed Yoongi.

"MY INNOCENT EYES!" Taehyung screamed.

Yoongi broke the kiss. "Shut up Tae, they aren't innocent and you know it,"

"Anyhow, who's going to do it?" Seokjin cut in before another argument started it.

"I'll do it," Taehyung muttered.

"Great! Now we have one thing covered, what's next?"

It was quiet for the next 2 minutes, everyone trying to think of something.

"I got it!" Hoseok screamed, breaking the silence.

"What is it?"

"Jimin hates sleeping by himself, so I'll go sleep with Yoongi and tell Jungkook to keep Jimin company!"

Jimin is too cute for his own good (and Jungkook is whipped) | JikookWhere stories live. Discover now