Ch.1 Trainee

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Apron? Check. Name tag? Check. Marker? Check. Hair nicely tied?
Hmm.. good enough.

"Alright, I'm all set"
Taking a deep breath you open the cafe door.

You've been working as a barista for almost a solid year. Everyday you'd park outside the nice small cafe, making sure you'd have all of your essentials before entering. Same routine all the time. You've made some friendly acquaintances while working here.

"Y/N! I didn't know you'd work today"

Upon entering you'd looked at where the voice came from. Behind the register stood your manager for the evening shift.

He wore his clean, crisp white shirt. Sleeves rolled up to his elbows exposing his light melanin arms.
He smiled warmly, exposing his dimples as he looked at you then turned to serve a upcoming customer.

You clocked in, using the computer next to his register.

"Hey Namjoon~ Yeah I changed shifts with Taehyung, something about taking Tannie to the vet" 

He nodded as you passed him by while he attended his customer, giving you the signal that he listened.

You made your way towards the back to the crew room.

There were small lockers and a small table where everyone was able to store their items and relax. You noticed someone was already back there in the middle of a very familiar windshield laugh.

"Y/N!~ We get to actually work together today!"

It was Jin.
He was immensely popular with the women. All. Of. Them.
Whenever they saw Jin walk into work, the lobby would become lively. Making it a busy day. He was incredibly handsome. Perfect eyes, smile, plump lips and amazing skin. He had it all. Sometimes we'd wonder why would he be a barista of all things when he could obviously be a model.

"Jin! Yeah about time! You always work in the mornings! Its glad to see you in the evenings~" you smiled at Jin as you opened the small locker placing your bag inside

"Who else is working with us today?"

"Actually, we have a new trainee today. Hoseok hired someone last week"

Hoseok was our store manager. Strict with making sure we have smiles on our faces but also serving our customers with the highest of service. But of course, he was the sweetest man. Very kind and understanding.

"Ah, so I take it Jungkook will be coming in to train them?"

"No, actually y—"

Namjoon interrupted Jin

"You will Y/N"

You looked at your manager confused, raising your brow
"Uh I'm not a trainer, Kook is"

"The kid is good at teaching others but so are you. Give it a try, you've been here long enough to show a trainee the ropes" Namjoon handed you a portfolio. "Look it over. The trainee will be here shortly"

You looked at Jin giving him that 'help me out here' look

Just as Jin was about to try and help out

"Jin I need you on front counter, your 15 minuet break somehow turned into a 25 minuet break!" someone yelled from the front

"Wait—He's here too?!"

"Coming!" Jin replied as he quickly tied his apron on his waist again before scurrying out to the front

"Yoongi's only here for a little while, he'll be leaving soon" reassured Namjoon as he walked to the front leaving you alone.

Curiosity was eating you alive as you heard a little bit of bickering out in the front between Jin and Yoongi. They'd always argue about how Yoongi wants Jin to be on the drive thru area but Jin would always decline and state he wants his face seen not his voice. He just didn't want to wear the stupid headset.

"My handsome face must bless the others!" You'd hear Jin say.

"We need your services on drive so come 'bless' the customers here" Yoongi would reply flatly.

You smiled to yourself as you heard the bickering continue.

'Time to check this trainee out'

Opening the portfolio, you revised the trainee's information;
Name: Park Jimin
Age: 23
Past work experience: Diner host and server

"Any experience with coffee: 'has own a few coffee machines'" you giggled at the response.

You reviewed the other documents that explained on what the trainee should know by the end of the week. Feeling a tad overwhelmed you sighed not noticing the small footsteps that stepped into the back room along with you.

"Feeling stressed out?"

"Ugh yeah, I have to train this trainee and I don't know what I'll be doing!"

Noticing that you blurted out your thoughts to a mysterious voice you turned around.

You were faced with a smiling man. His manly body did not match his baby face. His smile made his eyes disappear as they turned into moon crescents. Light blonde hair was nicely kept, he had very nice plump lips.
He was handsome, a light scent of vanilla came off of him.

"I take it you're Y/N then? I promise I won't give you a hard time. Let's both do our best" his smile didn't fade but you were able to see his eyes more clearly now.
You couldn't help it, you were blushing. Your red ears were basically screaming.

Feeling a panic you responded with "You can't wear scented lotions, it'll mess with the coffee aroma"

'You'll mess with the coffee aroma? Really, Y/N? Why didn't you just say something normal?' you mentally facepalmed

He giggled a few moments after.

"I'm Park Jimin"

"I'm Y/N.."

"So..Y/N" Jimin walked close to you "let's do the tasting" he licked his lips slowly as he looked at you.

'Works is DEFINITELY going to be a lot more interesting'

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