Ch.5 Friendship

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"Jimin I like you"


"D-did you hear me? I-I said I like you"

Again..silence was the respond that you got.
What's going to happen now? Is he going to be weirded out by this?
Is he going to be mad that you practically ruined your friendship.

You began to nervously laugh a little but stopped when you heard a small snore.
Jimin had fallen asleep

"The alcohol caught up to him.." sighing with relief "Let's get you home"

You struggled a bit to get him to sit up, he was still pretty big compared to you. Once he sat up you managed to piggy back him to his house.

You entered your co-workers home with the key that stays underneath the doormat.

"I can't take you up the stairs so.." looking around you spotted the perfect place to lay Jimin "the couch should work"

Moments later Jimin was laying on the couch with a blanket over him as you sat on the one across.

'So he didn't hear me..did he? I guess thats fine..but the kiss? Was he even aware of wh- oh my god he wasn't!'

You figured that freaking out wasn't going to help the situation and decided to sleep on the matter.

You just wished for the best. What's the worst that could happen? Right?

"Augh! My head's killing me!" Whined a hungover Jimin "Ah, Y/N stop breathing so hard I can hear you!" he cried as he buried himself deeper into the burrito he's made himself on the couch.

You rolled your eyes, clearly annoyed. Jimin's been whining since he woke up, two hours ago. You on the other hand took a few aspirins before you had fallen asleep so you were good. But Jimin..poor poor Jimin.

"Oh, you" you forced out a tight smile "it was your idea to drink after all"

He rolled his eyes "I'm in pain, you're not. I'm just asking for some compassion, geez"

"Oh please, you just want me to baby you" you crossed your arms

"A date would be better but babying me works just fine" Jimin said with his cocky smile

You froze and managed to whirl around incredibly fast "w-what was t-t-that?" you blurted out excitedly

"Hm? What was what?"

"Y-you said d-date?" you stuttered out, obviously flustered

Jimin was oblivious to your reaction, he couldn't see how flustered you were. The thought of a date excited you, only because you finally admitted your feelings for him, even if he himself didn't hear it.

But he didn't know and could only give you a confused look on why you were so excited

"I only said that as a joke" he laughs "we're really good friends. I wouldn't wanna fuck up our friendship."

You were baffled and a tad hurt. But you knew it was just a joke. Why would he date you? You weren't anything special to Jimin. To Jimin all you were, was just a simple coworker, a friend if that. Why would he look at you any different?

" don't remember anything about last night?"

"Did I do anything to you?!"

'So he doesn't remember'

"No no! I was just asking"

'Why are you lying?'

"Everything was fine"

'We kissed'

"Oh good" Jimin sighed with relief. Unraveling himself from his blanket burrito, he sat next to you to wrap his arms around you. Holding you oh so tightly.

"I wouldn't want to fuck up this friendship. Everyone who I used to be close to managed to leave me behind somehow.." he whispered "but you won't, right?"

What response could you possibly give him now? Now knowing that he needs someone?
He's lonely.
And so were you. A void that no one can fill; no one but Jimin. With him you were filled with emotions that made you feel euphoric. So unreal. It was mystical, but strangely normal. Every time you looked at him, you'd have that stomach flying feeling. You loved it.

"I won't.."

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