Chapter 3: Going back, Stocking up, and Getting out

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How did this happen to humanity? How did things turn crazy and wild just overnight? What happened? Why wasn’t I informed?

As I run out of the school gates, these thoughts began to whirl and buzz inside my head. Calm down. I told myself. I needed to breathe. I couldn’t just run forever without a plan. I needed to think. Breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Think. What should I do? Am I going to live? 

Obviously, I couldn’t get things straight. I couldn’t think straight. I couldn’t even run straight. I felt like the whole world was turning. And then the leftovers of my breakfast were threatening to make another appearance. Eventually, I managed to cross the street, and then I stopped running to breathe. C’mon. Breathe. Think. “Man up, Wes” I told myself. “You still need to go back to the dormitories. Gather supplies. Find a decent weapon.” I took another glance of the wide street, and just like when I passed it on the way to school, it was still as peaceful as a mute.  And then I saw it. Right in the distance, about two blocks away, I could make out five shadows walking towards my direction. By the looks of it, they seemed to be moving aimlessly, with parts of their bodies swinging and moving weirdly. Uh-oh.

Without further thinking, I ran straight towards the dormitories. I stopped when I reached the door and looked out the yard once again, where the creatures were moving in a much faster state than before. Panicking, I bolted the door shut and locked it. I needed to scour the rooms, I thought. My room didn’t have any weapon of some sort. I needed something hard, or maybe something sharp. Ugh. Really? Was I seriously contemplating my ideas when a group of zombies were after me? Okay, that’s it. I ran down the hall until I saw the staircase. I climbed them quickly until I reached the second landing. 

I was about to climb the third set of stairs when I saw Mr. Tyson running towards me. In a split second, I knew he was a zombie already. Why didn’t I see him when I left the building? And then I saw his door destroyed. So, that was it. He was locked inside. I didn’t spend any more analysis on how he turned into one of those things. Right then, I dashed forward to meet him and swung my metal mop harshly on his head. With a satisfying crunch, his neck broke and his body fell right onto the floor. Then I crouched down and saw that he was holding a Desert Eagle Pistol. He was probably fighting some of the creatures when he was overwhelmed. I snatched the gun quickly and resumed on climbing the stairs. When I reached my floor, I kicked my room door and aimed the gun straight. Cautiously, I entered the room. Woah. Why was it that it was only my room which was not reached by the zombies? 

My room was perfectly normal. There were no signs of destruction, no sign of killings, and no signs of the undead. Quickly, I dropped my bag on top of my bed and began on packing my stuff in. First, I opened my closet and took out some of my clothes since only a handful could fit in. I included a sweater, some shirts, two pairs of pants, and a cap. After putting all of them inside the bag, I slung it onto my shoulder and walked to the bathroom, still aiming my gun. I entered the bathroom and locked the door. Then I checked the gun if there were any bullets left. I was really surprised when I saw that the gun has a full load. Why hadn’t Mr. Tyson live if his gun was in perfect shape? Oh, well, that man had always panicked at unexpected times.  Definitely not a good example of a dormitory caretaker. He had to be ready in any situation. Wow, he was so dumb. 

The bathroom was pretty spacious. The loo was placed in the far right corner complete with accessories such as soap, shampoo and shower gels and the shower was located on the leftmost portion of the bathroom, separated from the other side with a blue shower curtain. The bathroom, meanwhile, was located directly on the center of the room, facing the door when opened. The only thing that comes between them is a screen door. Then, there was a sink located adjacent to the loo with a medicine cabinet directly above it, attached on the wall. I immediately opened the medicine cabinet and stuffed what I could find inside my bag: gauzes, different pills, rubbing alcohol, and bandages. All set, I told myself. I got out of the bathroom and was about to leave my room when I heard the door being torn down. Oh God, they’re here. How long was I in the bathroom? 

With a final push, the door was completely destroyed and the creatures began to enter the room. I aimed the gun toward the temple of the first one, and then I pulled the trigger. I thought at first that I was victorious, but then I saw that the zombie was only slightly hurt. “Are zombies immortal?" I shot the zombie again, and this time, I successfully killed it. It turned out melee fighting proves to be more effective than gun shooting. Not wanting to waste any precious bullet, I ran back to the bathroom and locked the door shut. Oh God. What was I going to do? I can’t go out this room, I might get killed. Then the zombies began to scratch the door. Right then, I know that in less than a minute, this door will be torn down and then, I would be one of them. 

I was trapped.

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