Chapter 1: A Dream Come True

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I woke up with a terrible dream. In this dream, there were limbs. Yes, limbs. There were limbs everywhere. Bloody limbs. I was practically sweating when I woke up. I've never had any disturbing dreams ever since I transferred here, or more appropriately, migrated here, in Ladfair. Where is Ladfair, you ask? Ladfair was a small town located about thirty miles from the northeastern border of Ohio. If you're ever wondering, I am a British. I came from Liverpool but I received a scholarship here in Ohio to a school called "The Heaven Lads Boarding School", and ever since, I've lived in this dormitory next to my school. 

I pondered for a while about my crazy dream. Pretty scary. I shook the thought away and shifted my view to the bed of my roommate, Ryan, where he was apparently nowhere to be seen. I got up and looked around. Everything was pretty normal, Ryan's bed was so messy, mine was so neat, stuffs were sprawled everywhere, just a typical Friday morning. 

"Hello? Ryan? Are you still here?" I called out. No response. "Ugh." I rolled my eyes and stepped into the shower. After twenty minutes or so, I was already wearing my school uniform, which was composed of a black coat, white long sleeves, blue tie, black slacks, and black shoes, and I was already slinging my bag. I walked over to the mirror and fixed my messy blonde hair, occasionally staring at the pair of blue eyes that stare back at me. "I can't believe I'm already sixteen years old and I still have to go to school so early. This is so unfair."  

""Ryan, you left me again, you dummy! Thank you so much! And because of that, you are never going to get Sarah's phone number!" I shouted even though I knew he was already at school. 

After everything was set, I picked up my lunch, stuffed it into my bag, and checked my phone. "NO NEW MESSAGES" was flashing on the screen. That's funny. Ryan texts me every time he has to go to school earlier than me... Oh well, sometimes he forgets. 


Heaven Lads was a short five-minute walk from the dormitory, practically across it. The only thing that separates it from the dormitory was the wide Bliss Street which was always so full of crossing vehicles and people walking on the sidewalks... well, except today. The road was so quiet, so... blissful. Haha, very funny. "This day is so weird. Almost creepy. I hope this day passes fast."  

After crossing the silent road and entering the school lobby, I saw more things that were not part of my normal day. First, there were no students, second, there were no teachers, and last, there was practically no one in the vicinity. Students usually hang out in the lobby to wait for their friends, and teachers pass to and fro carrying their works and shouting to unruly students. Even the school guards, Mr. Toots and Mr. Grey, were nowhere to be seen. Well, some days come out more exciting than normal. 

"Hello? Anybody? Mr Toots? Mr Grey? Was the school trip scheduled today? I thought that was not until two weeks? Hello?" Still, no response. "Ugh. Why is there nobody in here? This is turning out like a horror movie."  

Frustrated, I wandered around the halls. Even though the place was generally empty, you can still see traces of stuff that went around here. Stuff like...destruction. Destruction? Why will there be destruction? Was there an earthquake? Paper works, school bags, chairs, and lockers littered the halls, and the walls seemed to have been scratched and slashed. This may seen weird, but I prefer to be cool and awesome, so I just shrugged. I climbed the stairs to the third floor where my first class-Geography, was supposedly to take place. Sighing with relief, I pushed the door open.  

"Hey, everyone! What happened? Why is there such a big destru-". My words died out as I took in the view of the room. To give you a head start, blood was on the walls, on the floor, on the ceiling, everywhere. Moreover, there were blood-stained uniforms sprawled on the floor and the most peculiar-there were limbs. Limbs were everywhere, like a human slaughterhouse. Like a real-life mass murder. Like a scene from a gory movie... Like my dream.

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