real 11

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N/o pov:

"Look at us. " harshly yoongi looked at the boys in the couch trembling.

"We'll let you run and if we'll find you, amd there's no rules, if we'll find you. You're gonna obey us. Only us "

Looking up. They didn't even know what the fuck it's going on. Why should they run? Why should they obey them? Why are they gonna follow everything they say.

Getting up they went in front of the door looking back as if they'd catch then right now if they would try to run.


Hearing it the three went on different paths and ran.

Running while trying not to trip and parting that this will never happen. He follows the path in the back of the house that it leads to bushes.

For taehyung. The poor boy ran again at the river that they came back a while ago. Stripping and hiding his clothes he swam in various parts that he could finally breath.

But for jin. He didn't know what to do. He ran but didn't know where he was leading to. Running in the same area again and again even seeing the same bushes two times.

He still ran till he found the tree that was so big and it's leaves went on the ground as the tree itself had a pinkish color and hided himself there making sure that the big tree didn't left him to someone to see.

Even if jimin was uncomfortable there. He still didn't know where to go. Of course he saw  a path that went in another part of the woods.

Quickly running there. He found the clear water as there were some stairs so you could too deep down but never sink.

Flowers here and there. What could he do? And in this moment ,nothing.

A pair of arms were hugging  him as a hot breath near his neck that made him whimper.

"And now I'll take what you own me. " making him trip as yoongi took off the baby blue T-shirt and thing his hands looking down at the cute tummy.

"Because now you belong to me "

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