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7 years later

"It's so great to have you here Mrs. Hirai. How is everything?" Momo hugged the interviewer and sat in the chair across from the woman. "Everything is fine. I'm busier than ever. Life's been busy." The Japanese girl chuckled. "Yeah your new building in Nevada is expanding. You have a baby on the way, or is that a rumor?" The interviewer quickly reviewed her notes before turning back to the now short black haired CEO. "Yes, that is a rumor. I'm not pregnant but hope to be in the near future." Momo sent a wink to the camera. "Oh. We know what's not a rumor. You're officially engaged." The audience cheered wildly. "Yes yes. Next year, I'll be married to a very special someone. I won't say the name because she doesn't want to be in the limelight." The audience 'ooh'ed as the interviewer went wild. "It's a girl!" The engaged woman shyly nodded.

"Babe, I'm home." Momo walked into her penthouse and put her stuff down, walking to the kitchen. She opened the fridge and reached for the note-pasted jug of water.

I knew you wouldn't see it if I put it on the fridge. I shouldn't be home late but if I am, I make it up to you. Don't wait up for me. I enjoyed the interview. ;)

Momo blushed at her fiancé's note. Leaving the kitchen she went to her room and plopped on the bed. She heard whimpering and immediately went to find it's source. She walked to the closet and saw another note plastered on the door.

He peed on me and bit me when I told him to clean it up. I had to.

The woman opened the door and her dog, Lucky, sat there whimpering. "Oh my baby. Are you okay? She didn't mean to." The dog jumped in his owner's arms and began licking her face. "I know you missed me. You two have to get along because neither one of you are going anywhere." The dog nodded as if he understood. "Please stop biting and peeing on your future mother. I want you to apology when she comes back home." The dog quickly hopped out of her arms and ran out the room. The black haired girl shook her head. She pulled her phone out of her back pocket and began stripping out of her clothes. The CEO swayed to the bathroom as she admired her toned body for a second. Over the years she's been working out with her girlfriend/fiancé everyday, except for Sundays. It's really been showing lately and she's loving it. She never thought her body could be as toned as it is now.

She turned the shower on as she pulled her hair in a small ponytail on top of her head before stepping in. A couple barks were heard but the showering woman ignored it. She leaned forward and grabbed her favorite body wash and began lathering it all over her body. She heard shuffling but didn't think much of it until someone stroke her hair. She jumped and quickly turned around. "What the fuck are you doing in here Sana? You're so weird." The girl giggled before resting her head on her shoulder. "We're friends Momoring. Plus I've seen that all before when I-" Mom quickly shouted out loud not wanting to remember that time when they had drunk a couple years ago. "It looks better now then it did when we first did it." Momo blushed. "Get out of her before we get caught. It took me forever to get her trust back." Sana nodded and stepped out of the shower. "I'm borrowing some clothes." The younger Japanese shouted while exiting the bathroom as the older just ignored her.

Several minutes later the two girls were cuddling on the couch watching Titanic while crying their eyes out. "No Jack!" The brunette reached her hand to the TV to hell the sinking boy. The front door opened revealing a business-like woman. "Hey babe, sorry I was late. I got caught up in the office." Momo smiled as the woman kissed her forehead. "Dahyun, do you love Momo?" The woman tilted her purple head to the side as she answered. "Of course I do. Why? What are you going to do?" The two Japanese girls laughed as Dahyun ducked looking around the room. "Nothing. No, would you give her and iceberg and stay in the freezing cold water for her?" The purple headed girl nodded without hesitation. "I think it would be the other way because she's the dominate one. She wouldn't let me do such things." The Japanese girls laughed once more as the other went upstairs. "Hey, stop locking my dog in the closet." She didn't receive an answer back. "You sure you want to marry that animal-closet-locker-upper?" The older Japanese laughed as Sana looked up from her phone. "Probably not." She joked as she sipped her water. "Let's watch another movie. I wanna watch this one." She held the cursor over the movie 'Deadpool' as she awaited approval. "Go ahead, I'm gonna go check on my fiancé." The engaged woman winked at her friend as she ran up the stairs. "Don't be loud because I'm not leaving."

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