Ch. 37

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A shard of wood got stuck in his back and Wolfclaw cursed under his breath. They were sneaking away from the fight to go to Riverclan camp. Bramblestar, as Wolfclaw had predicted, had not come to the fight. The battle was raging on behind the Twoleg den. Wolfclaw signlaed with his tail and the patrol followed him wordlessly. They slipped away unnoticed. Just then, another cat jumped at them. 

           "I never said I trusted you," Night said when Wolfclaw gave him a questioning glance. He growled but didn't say anything. They continued towards Riverclan camp with Night. They crossed the river with big leaps and Wolfclaw ran towards Riverclan. He was home. He almost felt like an apprentice again, running around the territory, thinking how big it was. They stopped a few foxlengths away from the tunnel. They hid in brambles which pricked Wolfclaw's snout. Badgerfang was looking around, guarding the entrance. Wolfclaw signaled for Flamepelt to distract him. Flamepelt nodded and slipped out of the bush. Badgerfang heard and saw him immediatly. He leapt at Flamepelt who darted away. Wolfclaw, Night, Clawfang and Icewing slipped into the tunnel. They came out to a chaotic camp. Warriors were pacing around, talking frantically and the Blackfur had started going back to medicine cat duties. When Wolfclaw appeared, the whole Clan was silent. He waved his tail so that his patrol of Rogueclan cats would stay hidden in the tunnel. They made no noise. Then suddenly, out of nowhere leapt Lilacsong. 

           "Wolfclaw! You came back! Just when we need you the most!" she cried, she bounded up to him and nuzzled him lovingly. Wolfclaw was taken aback. Then came Berrytail. She padded up to him, eyes sparkling. She licked his snout lovingly. The warriors murmured to themselves then out of his den, came Bramblestar. He regarded Wolfclaw with a cool and hating expression. 

           "Wolfclaw," he said coldly and leapt at him. Wolfclaw dodged the attack and yowled. The cats hidden in the tunnel appeared and attacked the warriors nearest to them. Wolfclaw battled with Bramblestar, aware of his Clanmates fighting around him. Who were his Clanmates? Rogueclan, they're my Clanmates now. Wolfclaw fought hard and brave, all his anger surged through. He leapt at Bramblestar, batting his ears, biting his shoulder, his tail. Bramblestar was equally strong, driven by hatred. Then something pushed into him. It was Lilacsong, she had blood dripping down her face. 

            "What are you doing?" she hissed. "I know you hate him but now is not the time. We need you." Wolfclaw looked over her shoulder, Rogueclan cats were battling well and Flamepelt had come to join. 

           "You don't understand," Wolfclaw said coldly, shouldering past her. "Don't get involved in this and you'll be spared. For once you can choose me." Lilacsong looked confused. Riverclan warriors were backing away, blood dripping everywhere, they were wary and hurt. Rogueclan had trained well. Night cornered them and they stood there, frozen not knowing what to do. Wolfclaw turned to Lilacsong but she cried out suddenly in fear. Night had brought a young cream furred she-cat, a kit, onto the High Rock.

           "Wolfclaw, come join me," she purred. Wolfclaw smiled and padded up to her. Bramblestar, panting hard, was looking bewildered. Clawfang was holding him back. 

          "Riverclan cats, we are Rogueclan. I am Night, leader with Wolfclaw," announced Night. Riverclan cats gasped and whispered to themselves fearfully. Wolfclaw felt a shiver of excitement.  

          "You young warrior, I give you the honour," smiled Night. "Do you want to join Rogueclan. If you do, you will be honoured as a full warrior of Rogueclan and of course spared." The kit, Wolfclaw didn't know who it was, was shivering with fear. Lilacsong stood frozen to the spot. 

            "So do you want to join?" asked Wolfclaw, bending down to her face. She looked at him eyes full of fear. 

           "No," she said, full confidence. Night growled and was about to slash her throat but Wolfclaw saw something. Something he hadn't seen before. He glanced at Lilacsong and knew with no doubt he was right. 

           "Stop," he snapped and pushed Night back. She snarled at him. Wolfclaw padded over to the kit then turned to Lilacsong. 

           "You had kits," he whispered. 

          "Yes, our kits," she breathed. He dipped his head and nudged the kit down. His own kit..., but he didn't even know her name. She was so brave. Night growled at Wolfclaw. 

          "Getting cold feet are we?" she snarled softly. 

          "She's just a kit. Let the warriors choose, not the kits," replied Wolfclaw. 

          "The point was to set an example, now the rest will think we're being lenient," explained Night in a growl. 

           "Then set an example," shrugged Wolfclaw. "But not with a kit." Night lashed her tail but turned to the cats gathered beneath. 

           "Wolfclaw, it's your honour," she smiled. Wolfclaw nodded. He called Tallwhisker forward. 

          "Do you wish to join Rogueclan?" Wolfclaw asked. He hoped Tallwhisker would just say yes. 

           "No," growled Tallwhisker. "Never." Icewing leapt at him and slashed his throat open. He looked around, silent, eyes wide open with fear and pain then collapsed to the ground, dead. Blood poured out from his wound. Gasps and cries of horror rang out. 

           "Next," called Night in a sing song voice. 

           "Oakfur," Wolfclaw said, not as confident. He was starting to realise something. He gazed into Bramblestar's eyes. Bramblestar looked back at him and Wolfclaw saw something other than hatred. He saw pain and shame but mostly, warmth and love. Wolfclaw staggered back as he finally understood. He hung his head. Bramblestar knew too. 

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