Ch. 41

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Bramblestar looked down at Wolfclaw. He was lying in his den, unconscious. He felt the love he hadn't expressed to Wolfclaw his whole life flood out. He gazed at his son with pride and love.

           "Skystar was right, only you could have stopped Riverclan's destruction," he whispered softly, "and you did." He should have trusted Wolfclaw. He should have loved him even if he knew his future. Why didn't he? Because he was scared. Wolfclaw groaned and opened his eyes. 

            "Bramblestar?" he murmured. 

           "I'm here," reassured Bramblestar softly. 

           "I'm sorry,"  Wolfclaw muttered. 

            "I'm sorry too," whispered Bramblestar. "I love you." Wolfclaw, barely awake felt new energy surge through him. He felt the warmth love of Bramblestar seep into him and he stood shakily to his paws. He went out of the den, feeling the warm sun on his pelt. 

           "I love you too," he responded to his father honestly. The warriors, eating and chatting below all looked up and cheered. He was confused for a moment. Bramblestar nudged him forward. 

            "Lilacsong," cried Wolfclaw. He leapt at her and pressed his flank to her head. He licked her lovingly. "I love you. I'm so so sorry." 

            "You saved us in the end," she smiled. 

           "I want to meet our kits," Wolfclaw said softly. "If it's ok with you." Lilacsong beamed. 

           "It's more than ok," she purred. "I've been waiting for a long time." They padded to the nursery. Many warriors were dead, including Crowfang, Sorrelpelt, Palestorm, Tallwhisker, Lightningcloud, Badgerfang, Stormfire and Tigerleaf. Wolfclaw's stomach hurt badly whenever he thought about them. How lively they were. Their personalities. But they were gone. They had fewwer warriors than ever but the nursery was full. Dusklight's kits were becoming apprentices soon and Stonepaw, Briarpaw and Leafpaw were becoming warriors very soon. Wolfclaw entered the nursery. Mousekit, Brightkit and Orangekit squealed. 

           "You're back!" they cried. "We're becoming apprentices soon and Orangekit wants to become a medicine cat!" Wolfclaw praised them then nodded happily to Dusklight who gazed at her kits proudly. Clovercreek was watching him with a flicker of love and warmth. 

           "I'm happy you're back," she smiled. Wolfclaw dipped his head respectfully. Lilacsong led him to the end of the nursery. Four kits were huddled together. He saw the cream furred she-cat Night had picked and almost killed. His kit. 

            "Hey," he said softly, his heart beat faster. The cats turned. The cream furred she cat smiled at him. 

          "You saved my life!" she cried and bounded up to him. He licked her lovingly. 

           "What's your name?" he asked softly. 

           "I'm Hawkkit," she smiled. Wolfclaw's heart dropped and his eyes went wide. Lilacsong regarded him hopefully. 

          "H-hawkkit," he whispered. Emotion gripped him as he thought of his brother. "Hawkkit." he nuzzled her. "You'll be as brave as my brother. I just know it." Lilacsong let out a sigh of relief. The other kits looked at Wolfclaw shyly. Hawkkit flicked her tail at a grey and brown cat. 

          "This is Eaglekit," she smiled. Eaglekit smiled shyly. 

           "Eaglekit! What a beautiful name," cried Wolfclaw. He padded over to his son and nuzzled him gently. Eaglekit puffed out his chest in pride. Not shy anymore, a light brown kit bounded up to Wolfclaw. 

           "And I'm Fogkit," he said. Wolfclaw smiled proudly. 

           "You're already so big and strong," he praised. The last kit was smaller, she had mixed grey fur like Wolfclaw. She looked at Wolfclaw and tilted his head. 

          "You saved our Clan. My father saved Riverclan," she smiled. 

          "I di-didn't," Wolfclaw stammered. 

           "I'm Pigeonkit," she smiled. Wolfclaw had never felt more at home. 

           "Yesterday, was a dark time and we lost eight good warriors but today is a new day and although we mourn for our brave warriors, they are at peace hunting with Starclan, we have two announcements to make," declared Bramblestar. The cats watched intently. 

          "Brightkit and Mousekit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Brightpaw and Mousepaw. Your mentor, Mousepaw, will be Wolfclaw. I hope he will pass down all heshe knows on to you. He is an exceptional cat," declared Bramblestar. Wolfclaw's eyes almost popped out. Hawkkit pushed him forward excitedly. 

            "You're a mentor!" she cried. Wolfclaw padded forward to the small grey apprentice and touched noses with him. 

            "You're going to become a great warrior. I've strayed from Riverclan a few times but it has made my loyalty stronger, I promise I will teach you everything there is to know to become a noble warrior," whispered Wolfclaw into Mousepaw's ear. 

           "Brightpaw, your mentor shall be Ottercry, I know she will pass down her knowledge to you. And Orangekit has chosen to learn the ways of a medicine cat. Voletooth, I know you will pass down all you know to her and show her the ways of a medicine cat, from this day on till you recieve your warrior name, you shall be Orangpaw," announced Bramblestar. Ottercry padded forward and touched noses with a bouncing Brightpaw. Orangepaw did the same with Voletooth. Before the Clan could call out their names, Bramblestar continued, "I, Bramblestar, leader of Riverclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices.Who have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warriors in their turn." He beckoned Stonepaw, Briarpaw and Leafpaw over. They bounded up looking proud and confident. 

          "Briarpaw, Stonepaw and Leafpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

          "I do," echoed the three cats solemnly. 

           "Then by the I give you your warrior names, Briarpaw, from now on you will be known as Briarwing, Starclan honours your honesty and commitment.  Stonepaw from this moment on you will be known as Stonebreezeand, Starclan honours your bravery and loyalty, Leafpaw from this moment on you will be known as Leafdapple, Starclan honours your cleverness and intelligence. We welcome you as full warriors of Riverclan!" finished Bramblestar. 







           "Orangepaw!" Wolfclaw saw his four kits join in with the chorus of voice and felt a warm glow. Somebody touched his side. It was Bramblestar. 

          "I'm officially a grandfather, aren't I?" he joked. Wolfclaw smiled and nodded. "Your kits will become grand warriors, especially Hawkkit. I can see her potential." Wolfclaw nodded with pride. 

          "Thanks," he said then turned to Mousepaw. "Come on, do you want to see the territory?" With three new warriors and three new apprentices, Wolfclaw knew Riverclan would recuperate to be a strong Clan once more. Once his kits became apprentices, he was sure they would do very well. He smiled to himself as he led Mousepaw out. None of his Clanmates held any grudges against him, they only mourned the dead. He felt a lightness in his step. All was well. 

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