Chapter Twenty-three

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Jane's P.O.V.
I run out of the room as fast as my legs can carry me. I smack into a wall, but honestly don't care anymore. I am crying again. I grab my bag from where I left it.

Crystals mom: "Hey sweetie are you ok?"

I brush past her and run out of the house. I get to the airport as fast as humanly possible.


Evelyn's P.O.V.


I jump into his back and he holds my arms. I squeak in pain. He walks up the stairs and sets me on the bed.
D: "Let me see."

I shake my head and turn away from him.

D: "Please Sugar, let me see."

I let him take my arm. He pulls up the sleeve and sighs at me.

Me: "I'm sorry."

He wraps his arms around me and I dissolve into sobs. I shake violently and he holds me. The door slams open and Jonah shrieks.

??: "Fuck off Jo."

I recognize it as Jane. She runs in and jumps on top of Daniel and I.

Je: "EVELYN FALL RYAN, if you EVER do that again, I will personally kick your ass."

I nod and she kisses my forehead.

Me: " So umm what the heck was going on with Jonah?"

Je: "He dumped me.... but I'm doing fine."

Me: " JANIE AWWWW!! I'll kick his ass if necessary."

D: "Nobody will be kicking anyone's ass just yet."

Je: "The plot thickens... But I guess that I'll let Sam and Crystal explain that one."

I give her a WTF kind of look and then smile. I wrap my arms around her and she swings me. I try to ignore the bad feeling that I have in my gut.


Crystal's P.O.V.

I shove Sam off of me and hastily pull my clothes back on.


Sam scrambles into his clothing and sprints out the door.

Crystals mom: " Leaving so soon, dear?"

The door just slams.

I bounce my head off the headboard and sigh. I feel like shit and just need a shower. I go, and when I get back my phone is vibrating.

Me- "HelllloooO??"

Cr- "It's Crystal......"

Me- "Oh. So I heard that there was some tea to spill?"

Cr- "Yeah, about that.. I don't really want to tell you because I know that you'll be a bitch about it."

Me- "Hit me with it."

Cr- "I hooked up with Sam..."

Me- " HOOKED UP???!! What do you mean hooked up. You. Have.  A. Boyfriend."

Cr- "See this is exactly why I didn't want to tell you."

I screech and the dial tone (heh) reaches my ears.

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