chapter 2

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My room had black walls. There is a window with a black curtain over it. There is a king size bed in the middle of the room. I start to unpack. There is a black closet. I have only black clothes. I put all my clothes in the closet. I finish unpacking and take my phone and earbuds and run downstairs.
" Fall Out Boy should be coming in a couple minutes."
" okay. Also, is it okay if I call you dad?"
"Yeah. I am legally your dad. You can call me anything you want to."
I sit down on the couch and put on some music.
" what are you listening to?"
"Oh, um I'm listening to A Car, A Torch, A Death by Twenty One Pilots."
"That's a good song"
I hear a knock at the door and I'm assuming dad heard it too because we both looked at the door and he immediately got up and walked to the door to answer it. It was Fall Out Boy.
I looked over and saw them all walk in. First Pete, then Andy, then Patrick, then Joe. I screamed and dad looked over and saw me with a huge grin on my face. They all walked over and sat down on the couch across from me and ryan. ( there I a couch with a coffee table in front of it and another couch on the other side of the table)
"(Y/n), this is Pete, Patrick, Joe, and Andy, but by your reaction I have a feeling you already know who they are."
" h-hi" I say stuttering.
" hi" they all say in unison
" I like your shirt" pete says
" thanks pete." I say while giggling. Patrick looks over at me then at pete. Pete and I are both laughing because we know it makes him mad. Then Joe, Ryan, Pete, and Patrick get into a conversation about guitars. It's just me and Andy .
" um, hi Andy."
"Hi. What are you listening to?"
"I'm listening to Vegas Lights by Panic!."
"Are you good at singing?"
"I think so."
"Can I hear you sing?"
I start to sing along to the song. I sing kinda quietly but I get a little louder. Ryan hears me singing and looks at me. Everyone stops talking so they can hear me. Then I start to sing My Blood. I get a little anxious so I grab a tissue but keep singing. Pete looks over with a worried look on his face.
"You okay, (y/n)?"
"Yeah. I'm a little anxious and I get a nose bleed when I get excited or anxious."
Ryan puts his arm around me and I start to cuddle up to him. I must've fallen asleep because I woke up and I was in my bed. I had fallen out of my bed and then Ryan came running into the room.
"Hi, dad. I fell off of my bed. Oops."
"Are you okay?"
"Yes. I'm fine. Are the others still here?"
"No. They left an hour ago."
I got up off the floor and walked to over to dad to give him a hug. Then I looked over at my clock and it said 10:27 pm. I went downstairs to get some water.
"Hey dad! Can I have something to eat?"
"Sure! You can have a sandwich or something! Maybe even popcorn!" He yelled from the living room. I got some popcorn and we sat down in the living room and watched Nightmare Before Christmas.  We cuddled up on the couch and both fell asleep.
Hi. I'm not sure what to type here. I was going to type something but I forgot.

clumsy~ Adopted by Ryan RossWhere stories live. Discover now