chapter 4

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(Y/n) P.O.V
As I was singing I felt something drip down my face. Dad handed me a tissue so I stopped singing.
"You okay, (y/n)?" Frank asked looking concerned
"Yeah. I'm just excited and happy that I finally got to meet you guys." I say giggling.
"What's your favorite member of My Chem?" Mikey asked. Gerard punched his arm
"My favorite is Frankie!" I say smiling. I look over at Frank to see him bushing. Frank tried to hide his face. Then dad noticed it. He giggled and pulled Franks sweatshirt off of his face. Frank immediately pulled it back over his face. I laughed as I watched it. Gee then came and took Franks sweatshirt.
"GEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" He yelled trying to pull it back. He drug the E. Gee just stood up and held it above his head. Frank was too shirt to reach so he gave up and sat back down still blushing. I just laughed. He walked over to me and hit my arm. I just laughed harder.
"Don't worry, Frankie. I'm also really short." I say while giggling.
"(Y/n), I am taking you shopping." Dad said.
"Okay. Can Frank come too?" I said. Dad and I both looked at Frank who had a huge smile on his face.
"Sure." Dad said. Everyone left except for Frank who was coming with us. We all hopped on the car.

~~ time skip brought to you by forehead~~

When we got there, we decided to split up. Frank went to go get us food from the food court. Dad and I went to Hot Topic. Outside of Hot Topic, I saw Jamie. She had been adopted by 2 people I hadn't recognized. They weren't famous or anything. Just normal people. We walked over and Jamie grabbed my arms and pulled up my sleeves. Her parents were trying to decide where to go to next. Ryan tried to pry her hands off but he couldn't. She saw my cuts and dug into them with her nails. She had reopened the cuts as dad tried pulling her off. Her parents turned back around and saw what was happening. Her mom saw ryan grabbing her. Her mom walked over to get a better view of what was happening. She looked over and saw that she was reopening the cuts. Jamie noticed her mom was standing there and let go. I was perfusly bleeding. Dad ran into Hot Topic to see if he could get some help. A second later he came running out with an employee. I was sitting on the floor crying. Frank heard my screams and cries and ran over to where we were. I looked over and saw Jamies mom talking to her then leaving and then I saw Frank running at me. The employee cleaned up the blood and wrapped my arms in bandages. After they were done they helped me up. I thanked them and hugged dad then turned to Frank and hugged him. Dad explained what happened to Frank. We all then went into Hot Topic.
"What am aloud to get?" I asked dad. He looked at me.
"Anything, sweet." He says. I smile and go to look at the band shirts. I bought 2 Panic! Shirts, 3 My Chem shirts, 1 Fall Out Boy shirt, a Jughead hat ( cuz Riverdale ), and 4 Fall Out Boy chokers. Each one of the chokers saying one of the Fall Out Boy members. Like one choker says Patrick. We went to go get our food. Frank only ordered our food and payed. We started to eat. Dad questioned me about my cuts. I said that nobody liked or wanted me. He gave me a huge hug. I made him a promise that I would never do it again. It was a pinkie promise. Then dad pulled something out of a bag.
" here. This is for you." He said handing me the neatly wrapped box.
"What is it?" I asked. It looked kind of big. I looked over at Frank and saw him smiling.
"It wouldn't be a suprise if I told you, now would it?" He said. He was also smiling. I started to get kind of excited. I opened it. I loved what I saw.

Sorry for the cliff hanger. I'll update soon with what you got. Also, I'm not sure what else I should put in this to make it intresting. If you guys want, I would live it if you commented stuff I should add.
Bye xx

clumsy~ Adopted by Ryan RossWhere stories live. Discover now