chapter 7

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I got up and made myself (your favorite food) then sat back down on the couch to eat. Pete and Patrick had left a few minutes after I sat down. I just kept eating until dad said something.
"Hey. Um, um bored. You wanna do something?" He asked. I looked up from my plate and saw him looking down looking kinda shy. I smiled and said yes. He asked if I wanted to go to the park that was down the street. I agreed and we walked down to the park and sat on the swings. My favorite spot. We just sat and talked for about 2 hours. Then dad got a call from Brendon.
"Hey Ryan. Are we able to hang out? Y/n can come too."
Dad then looked at me and smiled. I replied with a yes and said to meet us at Starbucks in 5 minutes. We walked over to the Starbucks and saw Brendon running to get us. He tripped and fell. Dad ran after him to help him up leaving me still standing in front of the Starbucks. They walked over and I giggled and we all walked in.
"Can I get 2 caramel mochas and 1 (whatever you like to drink)?" Brendon said. Dad looked at him and smiled. Brendon smiled back and I was sure that I saw dad blush. He looked so happy with Brendon. We all sat down and Brendon said something I never thought he would've said at this time. He grabbed dad's hands and looked him in the eye. He smiled.
"Ryan, would you like to be my boyfriend?" I stared smiling in awe. Dad smiled super hard and blushed. He then said yes.
Sorry that this one is really short. I've been really busy with school and This was my only chance for a little while to post. I'll be back soon.
Bye xx

clumsy~ Adopted by Ryan RossWhere stories live. Discover now