chapter 8

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We all went to our house. I went and chilled in my room until dad called me down. I'm not sure why he called me down. I ran downstairs. He and brendon were standing in the kitchen waiting for me with a huge box.
"This is for you." Brendon said with a gleam in his eye
"Thank you!" I said with joy. Dad had said not to shake it. I slowly open it to find a little kitten in it.
"What will you name him?" Dad asked. I thought for a while. I had 5 names chosen. Chip, james, al, frank, and herb. I picked Frank because ok f my favorite mcr member.

 I picked Frank because ok f my favorite mcr member

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This is what frank looks like. He is a very friendly kitten. I took him to the couch and we sat and cuddled for a bit. Brendon and dad came over and sat on the couch across from me. They both watched as I started to play with the kitten. Than dad started to talk. He said that Brendon would be moving in with us. I had school the next day. Brendon was gonna drop me off and dad was gonna pick me up. Later, dad invited mcr over. I was on the couch playing with Frank the kitten and I heard a knock at the door. I rushed over, kitten in hand, and opened it. I let the guys in and we all sat down on the couches. I showed them frank the kitten. They all seemed to love him. Dad and brendon went into the kitchen to cook dinner. We had tacos. After we all ate I got bored and went upstairs. Brendon wanted to play with the kitten so he played downstairs. I heard a slight knock on the door. I rushed to my bedroom door and opened it. It was frank.
"Hi y/n. I wanted to see you." He said. I let him in and we sat on my bed and talked for a while. Dad then came into the room. He came to bring me frank the kitten. I smiled at him then hugged him. He smiled and left the room. Frank and I started to get tired.
"Can I sleep over tonight?" He asked.
"Yee. You can sleep in my bed with me. It's a king size." I replied. He nodded and we went to bed. I wasn't able to get to sleep. I think frank knew that so he started to cuddle with me. We both cuddled until the next morning. Dad came to wake me up for school. He say us cuddling but didn't mind it. I got ready for school and frank left. Brendon and I got in the car and drive to the school.
A/n This chapter was kinda short but whatever.
Bye xx

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