chapter 3

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I woke up the next morning wrapped in dad's arms. I slowly got up so I didn't wake him up. I made some coffee and waffles.
Ryans P.O.V
I woke up and saw that I was empty handed. (Y/n) had left. I walked to the kitchen and smelled waffles and coffee. I saw (y/n) sitting on her phone eating waffles and drinking a cup of coffee. ( if you don't lme waffles or coffee or both then change it)
"Hey, sweet." I say in my groggy morning voice
"Hi, dad!" She says in a happy tone and smiles at me. I smile back and grab some coffee.
"I made you some waffles, dad." She says with the look of pure joy in her eyes.
"Thanks. What are you so happy about?" I question.
" I HAVE A SUPRISE FOR YOU!" She shouts.
"I'll be right back." She says running up to her room. She comes back down with a wrapped box. I open it to she that she had made me a book with fan art and letters that she had wanted to send to me.
" oh. My. God." I say as I look t how thick the book was. It was like as thick as a brick. She looks down and blushes.
"D-do you l-like it?" She asks.
" no." I say as I watch her smile fade away
"I LOVE IT!!" I shout as I see her smile grow huge on her face. She jumps on me to hug me, practically knocking me over. I hug her back .
" what are we doing today?" She asks. I think for a minute
" well, you already met Fall Out Boy. How bout I invite My Chemical Romance and Panic! At The Disco over?." I say Watching her smile get even bigger. I'm not sure how that is possible but it got bigger.
" YASSSS QUEEN!" She yelled and giggled at the end. I giggled too. We both went to our rooms after we finished breakfast to get ready for everyone that's coming over. (Y/n) gets on a My Chemical Romance shirt, black skinny jeans and stole my hat and put it on and ran downstairs.
" have you seen my ha-" I say but just as I was about to finish what I was saying I saw (y/n) sitting on the couch wearing my hat.
"Excuse me young lady, who said you could take my hat?" She looked back at me and giggled. I started to run at her then she got up and ran from me. I eventually caught her and started to tickle her to get my hat back. She held on as tight as she could and got out of my grip. She ran into the kitchen and curled up into a ball holding my hat with no chance of letting go. I gave up and said that she could BORROW my hat. Then we heard a knock on the door and we both ran over. She kinda hid being me as I opened the door for Panic! And MCR to come in. We all sat on the couch and talked. She started talking to Frank and they kept talking and laughing. They were like best friends. Then Gerard asked her about what we were doing for school. She just shrugged. I pitched in and said that I will most likely be home schooling her. Gerard nodded and asked her about her singing. Brendon asked if she could sung for them. She sang Welcome To The Black Parade.
Sorry for the shortish chapter. As I was writing I got g noted and it hurt really bad. Well hope you all have a good day. I should update soon.

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