Chapter 16: Band of Relief

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A/N: This chapter was supposed to be the Epilogue but it ended up being so long that I split it into parts. It'll be up tomorrow for anyone who still reads this. xx


"Harry! Help me!" A voice screams causing Harry to turn around. He gasped in horror as he sees Zayn in a pool of blood. He was trying so hard to breath but his pleas came out so clear that it made even more tears flow from Harry's eyes as he heard the fear and pain in his voice.

"Zayn!" Harry screams, rushing over to him and holding him. "Zayn, pl-please be okay!" Zayn looks up at the crying boy with glassy, empty eyes.

"It's your fault I got shot. Everything is your fault," Zayn whispers as he slowly fades out of Harry's arms and into nothing.

"No! Zayn!" Harry cries, curling in on himself. Arms wrap around him and he feels a body wrap around him as if to protect him.

"It's okay, love, shhh," Louis whispers, rocking Harry in his arms as the boy cries. Suddenly, Louis isn't with him anymore. Harry looks around frantically to see Louis looking at him with wide eyes, a knife lodged in his stomach.

"H-How could you do t-this to m-me?"

"No, Louis—"

"Hey, baby," someone whispers in Harry's ear smoothly. Arms wrap around his waist from behind. Harry's arms feel like lead and his legs feel like they're glued to the ground. "I missed you, I'm so glad to have you back." Tears stream down Harry's pale cheeks as he thrown onto a bed, his clothes suddenly gone from his body.


"You know, it's your fault all this happened. You shouldn't have made me fall in love with you. Then maybe your friends would still be alive." Aaron crawls between his legs, grabbing himself in his hands as he lines up with Harry's entrance.

"No! Stop, no—"

"No!" Harry screams as he shoots up from his bed, sweat coating his body. He tries to catch his breath but it feels impossible. He looks over to his left and panics, even more, when he can't find Louis beside him.

"N-No, Lou—" Harry chokes up as he hyperventilates. Suddenly, the lights flick on and familiar arms are holding him close to a strong chest.

"Harry, calm down, it was just a nightmare. Deep breaths love." Harry tries to copy Louis' breathing as he has before. He slowly begins to calm down, his eye beginning to shut as exhaustion seeps back into his head. "Sleep, Love. I'll be right here when you wake up." Harry shuts his eyes with tears still staining his cheeks, slowly fall back into the abyss.


"You had another nightmare?" Harry nods at the woman across from him. Ann Miller is her name. He and Louis both go to her to talk about everything. Sometimes they even go together to talk to her and each other because sometimes they need a mediator, usually it's individually considering Harry doesn't like to talk to Louis that much anymore.

She writes something down in her notebook that Harry's never allowed to see. Harry understands that therapy is the best thing for him after something that traumatic, but he hates having to talk about it. He hates having to relive those horrible memories. He doesn't like the woman sitting across from him, even if she's helping him. "What was it about?"

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