Chapter 2: Cuts, Blood, and Pieces of Glass

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Louis throws his ashtray at the wall while Harry ignores him and continues to clean the living room.

It's been four days since Eleanor.

Four days since Louis has gotten laid.

Four days since he's had any alcohol.

Four days since he's smoked anything other than a cigarette.

And the worst—

It's been four days since Harry has spoken a word to Louis. Louis has had just about enough of it.

Louis runs a frustrated hand through his hair as he watches Harry go over to the spots where all the ash and glass is and begins to pick it up. And if that doesn't make Louis feel bad enough, Harry cutting his palm on the glass does. Harry grabs a paper towel to cover it and then goes back to cleaning.

He gets a few smaller cuts before Louis finally decides to step in.

Louis takes Harry's none injured hand and pulls him to his feet, dragging him to the bathroom. Harry doesn't resist, he only holds his bleeding hand close to his chest and follows Louis in silence.

Louis picks Harry up and sits him down on the counter, hoping to get a squeak or squeal like usual.

But Harry stays silent, his gaze locked on the floor.

Louis sighs as he grabs the first-aid kit from under the cabinet.

"I need to see your hand Haz," Louis says gently, seeing the faintest blush on Harry's cheeks as the boy holds out his bloody hand.

Cuts, blood, and pieces of glass. 

"God, Haz, you have glass in your hand. Didn't you think that that's a good sign to stop cleaning and clean it out?" Louis scolds, holding his hand palm side up and looks for the tweezers.

It takes him a few seconds before he finds the silver tool and pulls it out, looking up at Harry.

"This is going to hurt, but don't move your hand or it will be worse," Louis tells him, not getting an answer.

He doesn't even a simple nod.

"Harry, please talk to me," Louis pleads, his careful hand taking the tweezers and taking a piece of glass out of Harry's skin. Harry whimpers in pain but doesn't move his hand.

He doesn't answer Louis either.

Louis sets the piece on the paper towel Harry had covering his wounds.

"Look, I'm sorry about what I told Eleanor okay? I know you take that shit seriously and I'm sorry I used it so carelessly," Louis apologizes, taking another piece out. "Please stop ignoring me," Louis begs, taking out another piece of glass. Louis looks up at Harry when he gets silence as an answer. "Harry, please." Louis lifts Harry's head up with his hand under his chin. When Harry's eyes meet his there are a few tears unshed. "Harry—"

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