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"With the power of that granted to the Son of Heaven, Empress Xi Youran will be punished to death for killing the Son of Consort Wan'er and for attempting an assassination to the Emperor" The edict ended after the sincere smile from then poor Empress. "If the Heaven pities me, in the next life I will never become the Empress" As Xi Youran closed her eyes while waiting for the cold metal to make a contact to her skin, a soft voice called for her. "Sister Xi Youran ! Sister!" Slowly I opened my eyes and saw a very familiar face. "Xi Yue? Why am i-" Before I could say anything, my head felt so hurt like a thousand needle stabbed every pore of my head. The memories of when I was selected as the Empress until the moment I died played unstoppable in my head as it makes me groan in pain. 

"Urgh! My head" Xi Yue hold onto my hand as he assured me. "Pain, Pain please go away" I ignore the pain in my head as I look at her. "Sister, why are you crying? Is your head still hurt?" Tears brimming down on Xi Yue's cheeks as she saw me crying. Looking at the scene before I, made me think that the heaven actually pitied me. "I am sorry for making you worried" I gently patted her head trying to convince her that I am fine but inside my heart still hurting for the memories of being killed while not able to convey the feelings to Zang TianZi. 

"My beloved daughter, are you awake?" I looked at where the voice comes from and cried. "X-Xi Youran? Are you okay? Are you still hurt?" The middle age woman in front of me was panicking as her first daughter suddenly broke into tears as few other people come inside my room. "I am sorry. I am fine but this tears won't stop flowing from my eyes" Xi Mei comes toward his first daughter and hug her gently. "It's okay" I have the memories of the other life but I cannot remember the 'Me' in this life. "HAH! The crippled daughter is still alive?" I was shocked at that sarcasm and look up to the way where my father and the others standing. 

"Crippled?" My mother looks so pale while trying to protect me from those sneaky bitches. "HUH?! Did your brain scatter when you fall from at the hill?" I look at the girl that was talking to me just now. "I am-" The memories of me in this life suddenly crept into my mind. "Ugh! My head!" My father approached me as he held onto my shoulder. "Xi Youran...Just rest for now. You don't have to force yourself to remember what happened to you, okay?" I nodded as they all go out of my room. 

"Are you sure you will be fine on your own?" I nodded as mother and Xi Yue walked out of my room. I let out a long sigh and lie down on my bed. I closed my eyes for a moment and fell asleep. That night I dreamed about a person who was on the verge of death and he was staring at me. "You can see me to achieve my dream of becoming the Alchemist Immortal!" I become scared and tried to run away as a Dou power surge into my body.  "NO!" I woke up from that dream and feel so hungry all of sudden and sneak into the kitchen. 

"What is that dream...It was so scary" While I was cooking in the Kitchen, someone joined me as I turned around to see my grandfather. "Grandfather! I am sorry, I was just so hungry" I look down at the floor as he sits down on the table. "Give me some" A growl was heard from his way and he blushed to ear as I laughed. "Just wait a few minutes" After finishing the late midnight meal, I put the dishes away as I sit at the chair again. "Are you fine already?" I look at my Grandfather as I scratched my head. "Don't worry grandpa! I am fine enough to cook at least" Then I laugh again. 

"Hmph. If you cooking at midnight be sure to call me" Then he disappeared out of nowhere. "Just how much more regrets that the current 'Me' will show to me" Thinking back when I was a maiden in love. I do anything so that I can be the one who stays with him but in the end, I was the one who got nothing instead of everything. Isn't that disappointing? After cleaning up, I become curious about what Song Yi said to me this morning. "Crippled? Did this life of 'Me' practicing martial arts?" I laughed at my own as I calm myself down a bit. "There's no way...right?" I sighed and go back to my own room. 

When I arrived at my room, I sit on the bed as I looked around and I saw a pile of books on the shelf then reached one of it. "What is this book? Essence Flame?" I scratched my head as I looked more and more into the content of the book I find it a little bit funny because I know everything about the essence flame. "Am I a genius in this life?" I scratched the back of my head and continue reading the whole night without realizing that it already morning. "Xi Youran are you awake? What are you doing?" I look at her face that clearly looks confused after seeing the book all over my room. "Don't tell me...You read all these books last night without sleeping?" I grin as I stand up and approached her. "I slept for a long time already" Mother looked at me sternly as I hug her left hand. 

"Mother...It just this one time. Please don't be mad" She looked at me as I snuggled into her neck and little Xi Yue comes into my room as she sulking after seeing me hogging mother all by myself. "AHH! Sister, you're not fair! I want a hug too" I look down to little Xi Yue as I scope her up. "When did you learn to sulk?" Xi Yue put her hand around my neck and talk back to me. "Last night" I tickle her and we were laughing so loud. "Whose mouth is this talking back to me"That happy moment did not last forever because the wicked woman comes into my room and ruined it. 

"Heh! I'd never know that this crippled can laugh" Song Yi comes with her ugly smirk as I stare blankly at her and Father comes inside the room. "Why is it so loud here early in the morning?" I thought of a very good way to piss the wicked woman. "FATHER! I missed you. Last night I dreamed about being an Alchemist" I jumped onto my father's muscular body as I snickered to Song Yi. I can see her face is pissed on how I suddenly become so different from before. "Alchemist? You're not joking, right?" My father looked very serious as I sweated a little. "Yes...of course, I am not joking like seriously. I know the 23 essence flame so I studied the whole night" Suddenly my father hugged me tightly.

"Father...I-I can't breathe. Like seriously your muscle is not fluffy like mother's boobs" My mother's face become red to ear as I trying to catch a breath. My father looked so happy but I didn't think any of the consequences of blurting the dream last night. "We should go look for your grandfather," Father said as someone suddenly entered the room. "There's no need for that" Father was shocked and turn around to see grandpa was standing at my room's door. 

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