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"Will you please cut it out!" Master shouted at me when I didn't stop chasing him. After a while, I plopped on the ground as I looked around me. The little cat was sleeping soundly inside my bag.

[The beast: My master is staring at me. Maybe i looked so cute]

"Master...How far are we going?" Xi Youran's master was looking around and told her there's two mountain and they will arrived.

"T-two more?!" Xi Youran sighed but continued anyway because she is determined to change her fate in this life. With every single step she's taking, her fate already changing without herself realized it.

"MOTHER!!!! Sister is gone..." Xi Yue was crying loudly as Xi Jia tried to calm his daughter down. At the same time, TianZi was there to visit again but turns out the girl she is trying to see was nowhere to be seen.

"Your highness...Xi Youran is not feeling well so she cannot greet your highness" Xi Jia is hiding the fact that her daughter is gone without a trace. Not even a single words was left for them.

"Then it cannot be help...I will come visit again when i am free" Tianzi walked away with a disappointed looks. 'She was fine just yesterday, why today she's not feeling well...Does she hate me? Could it be she is avoiding me? But i am her soon to be fiance?' On his way back to the Palace, Tianzi was thinking of so many possible things that makes Xi Youran avoiding him.

"If only back then, I treated you just a little better...We could be happy together..." TianZi Whispered to himself inside his fancy carriage.

In the meanwhile, Xi Youran is on the verge of giving up. "M-master...lets take a break. We will continue tomorrow. I-I am dying~" Xi Youran turned into old lady. Her facial expression is like she is 100 years already. As her master keep laughing, Xi Youran fall on the ground and closed her eyes.

"Hey wake up! At least put yourself in a good position. Very careless! No sense of safety!" Xi Youran's master was nagging a lot as Xi Youran ignored it and positioning herself to sleep comfortably.

"This lad is- ugh!" The master smiled and flicked his finger and a small bonfire appeared. 'I still have it inside me. it's a little bit disappointing that i cannot revived in another body but i met with a very interesting girl. A returner at that' The master was staring at the girl in front of him while questioning himself for a moment.

"From his past memories...There's a part of it that confusing but well she's not gonna walk the same path anyway so let just forget about it" The master then disappeared somewhere without telling the little girl.

[The Beast : I will be the one to guard you tonight, Master]

That night, Xi Youran was dreaming a very peaceful yet sad dream. But she wasn't inside the dream. It's about a man and a women in the midst of snowy mountain. 'I will never forget who you are but I may just forget your name in the middle of trying to find you' The women walked away leaving the man. Her silhouette disappeared from Xi Youran's sight as the man in front of her looked so sad. 

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