After School Pt. 3

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~~Going to Lance’s House~~
As we walk to Lance’s house Lance is telling Shiro about how he has a big family and that most likely one of his siblings will answer the door. Pidge is just staring at me. It's probably because Shiro told  her. Ugh! She is probably going to question me! I already have Shiro on my back! I don’t need Pidge to be also! Pooooop! *Ding Dong* Oh looks like we are at Lance’s house. When the door opens a flood of commotion comes out. As well as the smell of home cooked food. 

“Lance tu hogar! ¿Dónde has estado? ¡Hemos estado muy preocupados! ¡Oh, Pidge y Hunk están contigo! Espera, ¿quiénes son estas otras personas? ¿Y por qué parece Pidge que estaba llorando? ¿Qué le has
hecho?” A lady says. Her hair and skin the same color as Lance’s. Though her eyes were a washed out blue instead of Lance’s deep blue eyes.

“Hi! Mrs. McClain!” Hunk and Pidge say in unison.
Oh so she’s Lance’s mom. Makes sense but what language did she just speak?

“¡Hola mamá! Estaba en una casa de amigos. Ah, y el que tiene el brazo protésico es Shiro y el que tiene salmonete es Keith. Pidge los conoce y no sé por qué estaba llorando. No le hice nada. De todos modos, me preguntaba si podría quedarme en la casa de Kieth esta noche. Hunk y
Pidge estarán allí también.” Lance says right back.

Seriously what is this language? Wait Lance knows a different language cool. I wonder how many languages he knows?

“Oh well. Hello I'm Catherine McClain Lance's mom. And Lance yes you can stay the night at Keef's house. Anyway come inside.” Mrs. McClain says as we start to file inside. She shows us to the living room and there
are 5 people in here. 2 boys seeming to be about identical and maybe 5 years old. They are playing with some toy cars on the floor. A girl looking to be maybe 13 and she was listening to music. Another girl like 9 years old watching Frozen on the TV. Lastly another boy maybe 3 and he was sitting on the 13 year old's lap. Lance wasn't joking when he said the had a big family.

“I was told you were Keef. Also how do you know Pidge?” Mrs. McClain says to me.

“Well um it's Keith and me and Pidge are childhood friends. We used to live here. Shiro and I that is.” I answer.

“Oh sorry. Wait hmmmm you look to skinny. Here let me go get  you something to eat.” She says starting to get up off the couch.

“No, no it's okay I will eat when I get home. Anyway Shiro wanted to talk to you because he thought it would be nice for you to meet the person taking
care of your child for the night.” I say trying to stop her from giving me food.

“Oh well, thank you but you seem to be too young to possibly be a parent.” She says turning to Shiro.
“Well…….” At that point I tuned him out. Then the 3 year old crawls over to me. Getting the attention of the 13 year old.

“Who awr you mistwr?” He asks. He has big blue eyes just like Lance's looking very curious.

“I'm Keith. Who are you little mister?” I ask moving him into my my lap. At what I said he giggles. This is the cutest kid In existence.

“I'wm Matweo. Uncwle Lwance'ssss nefwew. Do you know Uncwle Lwance?” He asks with trouble pronouncing some of the words.

“Yes I do. In fact he is going to stay over at my house tonight.” I answer then there is a thudding sound coming down the stairs. Lance had come down them an walked over to us. He seemed to not want to interrupt Shiro
and his mom's conversation.

“I see Mateo is pestering you.” He says sitting down next to me.

"Uncwle Lwance!” Mateo exclaims throwing his hands in the air.

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