V : unexpected conversation

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after making all homeworks,i decided to open my gmail account if there are any emails.luckily,there's one and it's ftom cube entertainment.what could it be?



i slept with still a smile on my face.this is just the beggining of my dreams and i am stepping in into it.hoping tomorrow will be a good day to me.


i rubbed my eyes and moaned as i woke up.i still can't get over last night.the smile is still on my face so i am energized to go to school.after doing my morning remedies,i went straight to school and as expected,i am still the only one here.wait----i'm not the only one here,she's also here.soojin,sobbing.

why is she always coming early here?it's already two consecutive days that she comes early here.she's still sitting near a window and staring blankly at the blue sky.the last time i saw her was her eyes were so puffy and it's clear that she cried.i walked slowly to my chair without making any noises.i don't want to disturb anyone.

should i go and comfort her?aish,she's a campus queen,huitaek and you're just a---loser.a low class person and she's a rich high class woman.don't mind on going near her.keep your distance on her.

i just took out my handouts to study for our test later and it's just 6:15 am.but while i was studying,i heard her cry hard.who would thought that the campus queen would cry?

i have no reasons why did i stand up and went near her.i'm pretty sure that she needs someone to rely on now.i sat beside her and she wiped her tears and sat straight as if nothing happened.what a great pretender she is.

"y-you're hui--- i mean huitaek,right?" she started off and turned her gaze on me so i looked down.one thing's for sure now,i'm shy and my legs are like jelly.

"a-ah.y-yes." there was a great silence between us before i defended something. "you c-can call m-me h-hui if you like."

she laughed and her eyes went small.her mole is very attractive!for pete's sake help me get outta' here.the mole is seducing me!

"why are you uttering?" she said and stopped from laughing. "you sound like a goat earlier.mee!mee!mee!"

she laughed hard,again.i haven't seen this side of her's which amazed me.ever since the first day,i haven't seen her smile but it's a big pleasure to me that i made her smile and laugh.i imitated the goat's sound and she laughed hard.i swear,her voice is really loud!she may look like silent but she's very talkative.

"oh,before i forgot i have to apologize for saying weirdo at you on the first day.i was just in a bad mood and--- " she stared at me before speaking. "y-you look like someone familiar."

"it's no big deal."

the silence came again in between of us.aish!i looked down and i can feel soojin staring at me.she really love to stare at my handsome face,i smirked.

an idea came up to my mind;i'm gonna ask her why did she cried earlier.wait,isn't it too personal for her to tell me about that.one thing's for sure,she needed someone to express what her feeling is.

"soojin." she didn't answered but she looked at me again.i cleared my throat and fixed my glasses.

"w-why are you c-crying earlier?" i asked and her smile faded. "i-it's okay if you don't want to."

"it's okay,don't worry." she tapped my shoulders and i felt my face became red.in my whole entire life,she's the first girl to touch me.except mom and jieun.

"i know you're wondering why i am always early here,right?it's been two consecutive days that mom and dad is fighting.last last day,i woke up because of their noise.they were shouting against each other.i heard that mom yelled at dad that our bussiness lost half a million."

"t-that's a large amount of money."

"yeah.it hurts in my side that they are always fighting.countless nights,i am secretly crying.one thing's bothering my mind,why would they marry each other if they will still fight and argue in the end?"

i didn't knew soojin would have a family problem like this.yes,they are rich in money but poor in love.money can buy anything,but not love.

"quarreling,fighting,yelling,it is normal to couples because we cannot get rid to it.a relationship doesn't need to be perfect but it must be filled with love and trust." as i said,she cried hard and i felt her head leaning on my shoulders.is this a dream?if yes,i don't want to wake up ever again.

"i am sick of hearing them fighting that's why i left early at home and go back late." she said between her sobs.

"what about your sister,hyuna?"

"a-ah,her?she is currently staying at a dormitory near the school so that it will be easier for her to come to school.besides,she wanted to focus on her studies since she'll be graduating."

"oh." i gasped.

we heared the door opened so we  straightly sat and acted like nothing happened.i quickly ran to my seat before one of our classmates came in.good thing that i am not so far away from soojin.i turned my gaze to the person who came in and it was one of her friends,her porcelain-skinned friend.

after 30 mintes,the room was already filled unlike earlier,it was just me and soojin.i gazed at her,she was talking happily with her friends and smiled at me.i felt someone tapped my shoulders,oh it's hyojong.

"still not tired of looking at her?" he asked at me jokingly.what's with him today?he was smiling widely like an idiot.

"ya!what's with you today?why are you smiling?" i defended amd changed the topic.as much as possible i don't want anyone to know what happebed earlier.

"hyuna." hyojong said.

"what's with her?"

"she asked me out for a dinner."

i laughed hard.i know he was just joking me and who would ask out hyojong?if ever there's one,it will be a miracle.unbelieveable miracle.

"don't you dare tell a lie."

"i'm not lying."


"promise." he raised his right hand. "cross my heart,family die." he made a cross sign on his chest and inside his mouth.yuck.

"you're so gross." i said but he was still showing his tounge out.

he stopped when our proffessor came in.same topic,same class,still the same.the bell rang and i fixed my things.i remembered that only have one class in the morning and in the afternoon.i can have a lot of time tutoring soojin.

"library." i heared someone whispered in my ears and a smile formed on my lips.it's soojin.


nuga mwo geopna?
-noodles only knows :))

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