“Kindness is a plague to all that is evil.

Mercy is weakness for those whose goal is human eradication .

Pain is a focus point for all, for some it brings into focus good, others the negative.

Healing is a disease to those who relish chaos.

The power hungry seek power over others because the have none over themselves.

Bully’s pick on the weak to hide their weakness"

“When you cheat, the only one your cheating is yourself”

-me(tho I'm not the First to say this, probably been a lot of people don’t know anyone in particular tho)

“Revenge, murder, and inflicting pain, is disguised as delivering justice

Who gave us authority or the position of delivering it?

Even those elected to judge such only have authority within the prescribed law”


“Evil is disguised as normal

Good is labeled, weird, uneducated, and behind the times”


“People who love chaos love it because to them it is order. They can not comprehend society or order and yet our brains need order, even if they need to create the illusion that chaos is order”


“Terror is used because so many people don’t know how to cope and combat it"

"The more you lie the more it comes naturally and your ability to gain others trust, respect, and form relationships, will fail. Even if you change you can never fully heal the scars of broken trust, lost respect, and relationships. Some people lie so much they even deceive themselves, losing respect and trust of themselves”


"Love kills hate, and those who have filled themselves with so much hate that they have become the hate itslef, end up trying to kill those who love, because otherwise their love will kill them"

"Those who seek to be emotionless do so because they cannot control or cope with their emotions”


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