Chapter One: The Mystery Of Vampirism

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One Year Before Season 2 Starts...
Jughead's PoV:
I was sipping my milkshake and eating my fries while typing up the first chapter of my novel about a boy who ran away from home and his drunk Dad (based on real events, i.e. me) when a stranger decided to sit opposite me.

I ignored them.

"Hello there." A voice said in front of me. It had an accent, very annoying, but wouldn't go away.

"What do you want?" I asked, keeping my eyes on my laptop.

"Just some friendly conversation." It replied.

"Well I don't like talking." I answered.

"That's fine. Just wanted to know if it's you that is writing a novel?" It asked me.

"And why does that concern you?" I asked, closing my laptop.

"Well, if it is I have some information for you." The stranger propositioned.

"Go ahead. Tell me this oh-so-important intel that I supposedly must know." I said, my voice containing more sarcasm than usual.

"Come with me and I'll show you." He said, standing up. Cautiously, I stood up and slung my bag over my shoulder before following him.

You may be wondering why am I following him? Well, what have I got to lose? My sister and Mom left my Dad, who is an alcoholic, and I have nowhere to live. So, readers, tell me. What do I have to lose?

"It's here." He said, leading us out of Pop's.

"So the information is a load of cars and gravel?" I asked, looking around the parking lot.

"No. It's this."

The stranger lunged at me with inhuman speed, biting into my neck and realising a surge of unbearable pain.

I let out a scream before the world turned black.

One Hour Later...
I gasped, my eyes opening my throat burning.

'Water.' I thought. 'Get water.'

Though in my heart, I knew that it was not water that I desired.

"Hello, mate." The stranger said.

"Who are you? What are you? What the hell did you do to me?" I asked him, my voice coming out raspy.

"Well, you won't remember this anyway. My name is Klaus and I'm a vampire. And now, due to a stupid mistake of somebody putting my blood into the wrong glass, you are too. Now, come here." He said, grabbing my shirt. "You will not remember meeting me. You will remember that you are a vampire, you must feed on human blood and that you can compel humans. You cannot touch a plant known as vervain and you will remember to fear Klaus."

What the hell? What even happened? I'm a vampire? And I have to drink blood? Great. I picked up my bag from next to me before walking to the Southside of town.

Don't ask why, I don't even know why myself.

It started to get dark, but I kept on walking.

I walked until I came across a man. I saw him...drinking something? I stepped closer, to see him taking Jingle Jangle. I hate that damned drug almost as much as Cheryl and Jason Blossom. I put my bag down next to a tree before stepping closer. And again. Eventually I stood almost directly behind him, recognising him as a Ghoulie, a gang on the Southside. Once he'd finished the straw of death, I couldn't recall what happened.

I lunged forward, sinking fangs I didn't know that I had into the stranger's neck and devouring the delicious blood. It took everything that I had not to kill him but I managed to leave him alive. Afterwards, I compelled him not to remember anything before speeding away too my best friend Archie's house.

"Arch," I said nervously once I'd arrived in his bedroom. "I need to tell you something. But you can't get freaked out."

"Jug, you're my best friend. That wouldn't change even if you were a goat-dog hybrid!" Archie said with a laugh at the idea of a mutant goat-dog thing. I sat down cross-legged on his bed, fiddling with the straps of my backpack.

I explained what happened at Pop's, at least, what I could remember, and all of my new 'abilities' before looking at the floor.

"Jug, this is awesome! You're like The Flash now, but better!" Archie said, laughing like a 13-year-old girl.

"Really?" I asked, disbelieving the fact that my friend would accept me, even as a bloodsucking monster.

"Of course! You're my best friend. You may as well be my brother." Archie told me. "But let's not tell anybody else. They might have different opinions."

"Thanks, man. This is why you're my best friend." I said, man-hugging Archie.

"So, uh, feel like compelling us some free pizza?" Archie asked seriously. I raised my eyebrows at him before we both burst out laughing.

"Sure." I replied, still laughing, before grabbing my phone and dialling the pizza place.


"That will be $8 please?" The delivery guy said.

"Thanks, but it's on the house." I compelled, taking the pizza and closing the door.

"PIZZA!" Archie shouted, running towards me and grabbing a box.

"Ok, but don't eat all of it, dude." I joked, grabbing a slice.

We talked for hours, knowing that I would stay the night without having to verbally communicate, and played lots of video games. Sometimes Mario Kart (I kicked Archie's butt every time) and sometimes fighting games, Y'know, 80's style games (Archie won those).

We eventually finished the pizza, deciding to switch off the games console and go eat all of Mr Andrews' Ben & Jerry's chocolate fudge brownie ice-cream (I don't know if you have this in America, but we do in England and it's my all time favourite Ice-cream but it's like £5 and it was £2.50 in Tesco so I bought some and took it to my nans and I ate it all in one go 😂)

And after eating all of that, Archie and I FINALLY fell asleep.

But not before eating a whole pack of cookies and drinking a litre of cola each.

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