Chapter 9: Discoveries

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(A/N: Sorry but the timeline is gonna be MESSED UP because Jughead wasn't in the hospital. I probably missed out a few things but if I did just ignore them, I added what's necessary for the plot 😊)
Hope's PoV:
New Orleans, my own personal hell. I'm honestly not sure why I returned, it most likely had something to do with the fact that Elijah has no memories or that I need a break from 'normality'.

Oh! That's it! I remember now. It's because my Mom has been killed by a psycho group of killer witches. Yep. That happened.

Aunt Freya called me to help look for her, and now after finding out that Mom's gone, I'm driving myself back to Riverdale. Coz I learned how to drive.

'Carry On Wayward Son' by Kansas, my ringtone (beautiful song, definitely recommend it), echoed throughout the car, making me regret my decision to throw my phone into my bag and my bag onto the back seat.

I tried to reach behind myself, just missing the call, when I finally grabbed it. It was Jughead.

Even though he's been calling me, I haven't answered because I didn't want any distractions from finding Mom. But...she's dead now. So no distractions.

He'd left a voicemail, so I decided to quickly listen to it before calling him back.

"Hope, it's Jughead. I don't know where you are, or what you're doing, but I need to tell you this before I go. I am completely and utterly in love with you. Yeah, that's right. I love you. And I'll never stop loving you. More than anything. I'd take a million bullets for you! You're the Scooby to my Shaggy, the Hermione to my Harry. We're inseparable. Well, until now, but that's not the point I'm trying to make. Anyway, some things are gonna happen, and there's a 99% chance that I won't make it out alive. So I needed to tell you that I love you one last time...hear your voice one last time know. And even though death is inevitable, I hoped that we would be able to spend more time together than we have before I met mine. I'm sorry, Hope, but this is goodbye. I love you."

No. No, no, no, no. I'm not losing him. I tried to call him, the call immediately going to voicemail.

I'm about 30 minutes out of Riverdale, but I can make it in 10 if I speed.

So I did just that.
"Betty?" I spoke frantically, pushing my foot down on the accelerator.

"Hope? Where have you been?" Betty replied, sounding upset.

"No time. Where's Jughead? I need to talk to him." I told her.

"I'm not sure, but I can track his cell." Betty replied.

That didn't surprise me. In a town like Riverdale, protection is essential.

"Thanks, B." I thanked her.

"Ok, so I've got a location, but it's a bit weird."
Jughead's voicemail still lingered in my mind as I jumped out of the car, hoping that Betty's location was correct.

I sped forward, faster than I'd ever ran in my lie without my powers.

I expected to see Jughead's dead body on the floor, or his body battered and bruised and in the brink of death, but the sight that I was met with was much worse.

I watched in horror as Jughead wiped out every last Ghoulie, sometimes snapping their necks and sometimes just ripping off their heads.

Once he had butchered them all, he looked up, directly into my eyes. But I couldn't believe what I saw.

Jughead's eyes: they were a glowing yellow, almost blinding in the darkness of the night. And his face was covered in veins, almost identical to those of my Mother when she feeds.

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