Chapter 6: The Mystery Of How Relationships Work

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Hope's PoV:
I don't know what came over me. I can't deny that I don't regret it. I can't say that I'll ever forget it.

Jughead's lips were like silk: soft, perfect and unforgettable, yet they had the ability to make you more addicted to them than the biggest alcoholic is to alcohol.

I let him wrap his arms around my waist as I brought my hands to his hair, glad that he had decided to remove his hat prior to the start of the movie. Slowly, he edged his hands to the bottom of my shirt, as if asking permission to remove it. I broke the kiss for a second, almost ripping my shirt from my body. Without me noticing, Jug had pulled off his shirt, leaving his bare chest on display for me to gawk at. Swiftly, he shoved his lips back onto mine, the wonderful feeling of ecstasy returning to me once more.

His arms wrapped around my legs, almost as if preparing to lift me-

"Jug?" The voice of FP, Jughead's Dad called, from the doorway.

"Dad?" Jug asked in shock, trying to hide my body.

"Oh, you're...I'll just...Sorry." FP stuttered, walking back out of the front door and closing it behind him.

"Sorry about that." Jughead said awkwardly, handing me my AC/DC shirt.

"So, uh, that actually happened, then?" I laughed, once my shirt was on.

"I guess." Jug smiled.

"Look, if you regret tonight-"

"Hope, I don't regret it. I've been in love with you since I first saw you. I never thought this would happen, and there is no way in hell that I would regret it. But if you do, then we can just forget it and, at least try, to go back to normal." Jughead spoke sincerely.

"I'm not sure about you, but I don't want to forget it." I told him honestly.

"Neither do I."

Jughead kissed me once more, slowly this time, before speaking once more.

"So you wanna give us a try?"

"Does Spongebob live in a Pineapple?"

"What the fuck does Spongebob's Pineapple have to do with this conversation?"

"I don't know..." I whispered, bursting out into laughter immediately after. "The answer is yes, by the way." I continued once I had calmed down.

"I'm glad." Jughead whispered.

"I just realised." I said, having a random thought.

"Realised what?" Jughead asked me.

"If Spongebob lives in a Pineapple, shouldn't the Pineapple have rotted?"

"My girlfriend is a fucking weirdo."
The Next Day...
Jughead and I walked into school together, the eyes of seemingly everyone in the school on us.

"Jughead!" Kevin Keller greeted, oddly cheery for 8:30 am, with a clipboard in his hand.

"Kevin." My (Still haven't gotten used to it yet!!!) boyfriend greeted in his usual...gloomy tone.

"So I was wondering, I need somebody to film the behind the scenes of the school musical, and auditions are after school tomorrow, would you  be able to make it?" Kevin said quickly.

"Musical?" I asked. I've always wanted to get into acting but my family would never let me. Well, Mom and Aunt Freya. Uncle Kol always told me to do whatever the hell I want as long as it won't get me killed and Aunt Davina would slap him and tell me to follow my dreams but be safe. Aunt Rebekah and my Father never gave a crap.

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