Running with Scissors

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     "Sweety, can you grab me some scissors?" Mom asked, pointing down the hallway.

     "Sure Mom," Jack replied with a shrug, as he moved off the couch, and went to the hallway. He grabbed the large black scissors and turned around. Although he wasn't supposed to, Jack's idiosyncrasy was to run with scissors, and, well, he just couldn't help it! He planned on converging with his mom as soon as possible, so he could get back to his video game as possible soon, but that's not what happened.

     Instead, he slipped on a small puddle, and fell. Luckily, he was an incisive person, so he threw away the scissors from his hand. Unluckily, in the process, he accidentally face-planted on his closed fist. The ground thudded as he gave a shriek of pain, already knowing it would be a shiner. He turned around to the face the hallway mirror. He heard multiple feet coming towards him.

     "Are you okay?" Mom asked, kneeling down and examining his eye.

     "Whaddya do this time?" Dad said with hostility.

    "You are legitimately the stupidest brother I know," Ragen, Jack's older sister, sighed. "Explain."

     Not wanting to seem even more stupid, Jack lied and told them that a robber punched him in the face and escaped.

     "Oh really? Nice try, but don't make up a scapegoat to get yourself out of trouble," Dad growled. Not wanting to admit to the lie and not wanting them to incriminate him like that, Jack stuck with it.

     "It's true, really!

     "No it's not," Ragen said. There were murmurs of assent through the hallway. Not feeling optimistic about getting away from the truth, Jack fessed up.

     "You're right." He sighed, looking bashfully at the floor. "I ran with scissors, slipped, and accidentally punched myself in the face." His family laughed as he felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment.

     "Go put an ice pack on that eye of yours. I know you're a reflective person, so I suppose you know not to do this again, " Mom lectured, narrowing her eyes in a you-better-not-screw-up-again look. She grabbed the scissors, scattered in the middle of the floor, and went back to her office. Dad and Ragen left to go back to what they were doing, still laughing. 

     Shamefully, Jack grabbed an ice pack and headed back to his video game.

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