Chapter 14 : Fight

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Chapter 14


Jeff POV  

We got to our hotel. Mom decided to let dad pick my punishment. And he decided that Riker and I were going to room with them so they could keep an eye on us.

Riker was furious. He wouldn't even make eye contact with me.

And it's going to be really awkward later because we're sharing a bed.

Mom and dad were talking out in the hall, so it was just me and Riker. I was sitting on our bed. He was getting changed in the bathroom.


I saw dad in the doorway. I didn't say anything. I was too scared.

Dad walked over, and sat down on the end of my bed.

"Before I punish you, can I hear your side of the story?"

My hands were shaking.

"Um... Everyone wanted to go on a rollercoaster. And I told Riker I really didn't want to because I was too scared. But he made me go anyway. And I had a panic attack, and when the ride was over, I ran because I was scared he would make me get on something else scary!" I said, starting to cry.

"So you ran away because you were scared?"

I nodded.

"And is that also why you didn't answer your phone?"

I nodded again.

"Ok. And why did you hit Riker?"

"He was holding onto my arm really tight, and I asked him to let go, but he wouldn't, and I didn't like it! My dad always used to grab my arm and drag me around places, and I would get big bruises on my arms."

"Riker!" Dad called.


"Come out here, please."

"I'm getting changed."

"He's been getting changed since we got here," I said, quietly.

Dad got up, and walked over to the bathroom door. He opened it. Riker was sitting on the sink counter in his pjs. Dad took his hand, and brought him over to the bed I was in. He made him sit down next to me.

"In my opinion, you were both in the wrong. Jeff, you shouldn't have run away or hit Riker. And Riker, you should've listened to your brother when he said he didn't want to go on the ride. So I'm punishing both of you."

"That's so unfair!" Riker whined.

"Both of you, give me your phones."

I handed mine to dad. Riker didn't.

"No. That's not fair," Riker said.

"Riker. Phone. Now."


Dad grabbed Riker's phone out of his hands forcefully.

"You two are grounded for the rest of this vacation."

"Thanks a lot, Jeff!" Riker yelled.

He shoved my shoulder, so I slapped his arm as hard as I could. Dad separated us.

"Stop fighting. Or I'll just add on more punishments."

I curled up in bed. Mom came in with some dinner.

"Are you boys hungry?"

"Yes," Riker said, walking over to the small table in the room.

She had gotten takeout from somewhere. She handed a box to Riker and dad.

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