Chapter 16 : Arrested

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Chapter 16


Riker POV    

"Why did you give them my name!?" Jeff cried.

"Jeff, they asked who I ate with, and I said my brother. They asked for the whole story, so I told them, and they knew you were across the street in the hotel. Since you ate with me, you're responsible too."

"Getting arrested was the scariest moment of my whole life! And my life has been really scary already!"

I sighed. We were currently at the police station. We were both handcuffed to a bench in a room in the back. Jeff was mad at me because since I told the truth, he got arrested from our hotel room.

They were trying to call mom. I gave them her number, but apparently they couldn't get her. They asked for dad's number, so I gave them his number too, but his phone is normally off, so they couldn't get him either.

So they sent someone to wait outside our hotel door for them to get home. We weren't going to be in any legal trouble if mom and dad paid the $20. But since we weren't 18, we needed to be picked up by our parents. And even though we wouldn't be in legal trouble, we'd definitely be in trouble with mom and dad.

"You're the worst, Riker!" Jeff yelled suddenly.

I looked over at him, and he was shaking violently like he was having a panic attack.

"Jeff, it's going to be ok. We're-"

"You got me arrested!"

I sighed. I can't talk to him. He's too mad and emotional right now.


Riker POV

We've been sitting here for ages, and I hope mom and dad get back soon because my butt hurts.

Jeff has calmed down, but he won't speak to me. And he's sitting as far away from me on the bench as he possibly can.

All of a sudden, the door opened. I saw a police officer and mom and dad.


"I can't believe you boys got arrested!" Dad said.

The police officer unlocked our handcuffs and said we were free to go. We followed mom and dad out to the car and got in the backseat.

"Riker, you're in so much trouble," dad said, starting to drive.

"Me!? What about Jeff too!?"

"Riker, you're older and you were in charge. You should've ordered stuff that wouldn't be more than $20!"

"You can't be serious right now! It's equally mine and Jeff's faults! You can't pin this all on me! And yeah I'm older! By a few minutes! How is that fair!?"

"Because Jeff hasn't been living with us for that long. You're in charge. And you should've been more responsible. You're lucky you're not in any more trouble than you are!"

"Wait. So Jeff isn't in any trouble? But I am?"

"Yes. You're the one that messed up, Riker."

"That's completely unfair!"

"I don't have to be fair. I'm your father."

I crossed my arms. They're favoring Jeff over me! And they've known me way longer! Jeff should be in trouble with me!

Mom probably told dad to only punish me because her precious little Jeff has anxiety issues and she just wants to protect him from everything.

So unfair.

I'm never the favorite. Not even with my own twin!

We finally got back to the hotel. The door to the connecting room was open, and our siblings were already back.

Rocky walked in when he heard us get back.

"How was jail, Riker?" He asked, smirking at me.

"Stop. It's not funny," I said, glaring at him.

Rydel came in, and went over to Jeff. I couldn't hear what she was saying, but she pulled him into a hug.

Is she seriously that concerned about Jeff? It's like nobody cares about me anymore! Everybody's concerned with Jeff!

It's like they don't want twins. They only want one of us, and Jeff is obviously their choice.

And I haven't even been told my punishment. Dad said he'll tell me tomorrow. He has the whole night to think of what he wants to do to me.

I have half a mind to run away, but I know that will only get me in even more trouble.

"Riker, I want you showered, and then in bed," mom said.

I grabbed my pjs, and went to go shower.

What is it about Jeff that's so much better than me?

I started wondering... Mom always feels bad for him when he gets panic attacks and gets scared. So maybe I'm about to get panic attacks too then.

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