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Is it just me orrrr..... is judging someone over something they can't control dumb asf...

Now before you jump to conclusions this is not about racism ima save that for another day.

But forreal you judging somebody because they're gay or a lesbian. You're telling them they going to hell and judging them. Do y'all not understand you're going to hell right along with them, cause judging is a sin as well. So you're no better than them.

I like to believe that you were born gay/lesbian. Simply because you don't go to sleep straight and then the next morning you wake up like "Ooooo I think I like dick now" . That's not how it works in my eyes.

If you're reading this and you're gay or a lesbian and a Christian,and you feel judged because of how fucked up this society is, all you got to do is pray to God he has all the answers.

Don't live your life because of what society tells you what's wrong or right, because at the end of the day you're gonna be standing in front of God come judgement day when he tells you your fate of whether YOU go to Hell or Heaven.

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