Princeton we all know you gay or bisexual like give it a rest. Everytime you post a picture it makes it even more obvious. I don't care what nobody say that nigga got some sugar in his tank.
This nigga wearing crop top hoodies and shit like wtf? I'm not a homophobic I ain't gotta problem if you gay or not but as august alsina says “Don't make me believe your something that your not.” If you gon try to hide it Princeton and least do a good job at it.
When I was a fan of MB I was in love with Princeton. I thought me and him were gonna have babies ,be on the cover of magazines as the worlds most sexiest celebrity couple.
Now I think back and laugh...
I mean they all got ugly within a 1 year time span. Now Roc Royal got babies beating up crack heads for money and a supposedly drug dealer. Ray Ray just an idiot my nigga tries to hard to be different. This nigga be wearing 15 jackets, 3 blousers , 6 pairs of socks with zippers on them , 9 pants and 35 sweaters all at the same time.
Prodigy the only that's sane..
And that other nigga E.J. need to go back to Kidz bop cause he ain't gonna get far with MB rns. MB is just a flop period.
Sorry if you TM....I have lost all respect for MB.
Picture of Princeton being...Princeton in the MM.
Is It Just Me orrrr......
RandomAlrighty this is my rant book... basically ima just tell yall how I feel.ت. Most of the time ima tell y'all about the things I don't like ESPECIALLY PEOPLE WHO HATE ON MY SEXY ASS BB CHRISTOPHER MAURICE BROWN. And things I go through.... so enjoyyyy...