Chrissssss M. Brownnnn ♔♔

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Is it just me orrrrrrr...... is Chris Brown one of the best human beings in the world ♡♥

I'm so in love with Chris Brown I can't even explain in words. I love Chris with all my heart and soul.

I feel like if I ever got to meet him he'll be cool asf. Cause all of teambreezy knows Chris is a big ass kid. I think me and him will be the bestest of friends. I think he'll be best friends with all of TeamBreezy cause he lovesss us so much.

Hopefully his sexy ass will do an X tour after his album is released. I know this might not happen cause don't nobody bring they asses down here in Arkansas, but maybe he'll find it in his beautiful ass heart to come down here.

If he comes down here it's going Dowwwwnnnnn!!! I will beg my momma to let me go. I have a strong feeling she will cause she knows I love him.

If he does come down here and I get to go I Will pay extra money just to meet him. When I meet that nigga allll hell breaking loose ain't nothing gonna stop me from going crazy. I'm gonna scream, cry, jump and down, have a asthma attack, die, come back alive,die again and come back alive, have a nervous break down and then pass out. -_- I'm not even playing.

One of the many things I love about Chris Brown is his sexiness.

Lawd Jesus.... Chris Brown is so fineee....

His face is everything especially them adorable ass freckles... ♥♡. His body is so fucking sexy Lord knows what I'll do to him. I can't forget about his other human being he got growing down there.between his legs (his dick). Cj has grown so much. If you haven't seen Cj you missing out, that nigga dick is Huuugggee!.

Hopefully I get to meet Cj in person *wink wink*. That's not gonna happen cause that nigga not tryna catch a case like R.Kelly.

Anywhoooo.... I'm so proud of Chris. This nigga been through alot and always find his way back to the top, thanks to Team Breezy and his undeniable talent. Chris is one of the most talked about celebrity for good things and bad things and he always stay positive. I'm positive Michael Jackson will be proud of Chris career and happy that he still shows everybody how he has inspired and influenced him.


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