Black Mothers

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Is it just me orrrrr..... do our BLACK mothers be over exaggerating.

I don't know about other races but I know for a fact that it doesn't take much to piss off a black mother. Like for real my momma get mad over every damn thing. We could be talking about unicorns and rainbows and outta no where she'll start beating my ass.

I'll be like “What I do?” and she'll say some shit like “I don't know you just started getting on my nerves”


Now ima tell y'all something and you gotta promise me you will not call DHS on my momma. Cause if you do she gonna beat my ass again.

But one day my momma told me to go get a belt so she can put on her pants. So me being obedient and shit I waltz my ass in her room and got the most beautiful belt I could find.

The belt had studs and shit. So I walked up to her And gave her the belt thinking she would be satisfied. Then the first thing that came out her crusty ass mouth was “Did I tell you to go get this belt”. Then she went against the grain and the honey bunches of oats and slapped me hard as fuck across the damn face with..


















God and Jesus had to hold me back cause I was damn near close to knocking her block off!!

Know if she didn't want that belt she could've just said “Deneise I don't want that belt” But naw her black ass had to be extra.

She bet not ask me for another belt or I'ma tie that shit around her ankles and slang her ass to the mother land.

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