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Is it just me TeamBreezy one of the greatest fan bases ever!!

So obviously I'm TeamBreezy cause I'm in love with the lightskin mascot Chris Brown. Yess I do think Chris Brown is the lightskin mascot, him or Michael Ealy. 

But anyways I love being apart of TeamBreezy because we're awesome.... but there is one thing I don't like about TeamBreezy.

I don't like how TeamBreezy is divided into 3 ways. It's TeamBreezy, TeamChrae and TeamChrianna. I hate that so much!!! Like why are we worried about his relationship more than him.  I'm strictly TeamBreezy I don't care about anything else but Chris Brown. I obviously care about who he is with, cause I don't want him with no crazy bitch! 

But it's never that serious to be divided cause now TeamBreezy getting into it with TeamBreezy over who he with. It's okay to be supportive over his relationship but damn don't be worried about his relationship more than being worried about him.

One thing I hate the most is when teambreezy be all over Kae instagram page or twitter being assholes. I honestly kinda don't like Kae but I will never disrespect her like that cause it's unnecessary.

And the thing is y'all can hate on her all you want to,but deep down every teambreezy member wants to be her. Want me to tell you why?... Cause every morning who do she see? Chris.  Who do she be kissing on? Chris. Who do she have sex with almost every night? Chris. Who tells her that he loves her? Chris. Do you get the picture?

Every teambreezy member wants to experience at least one of those things. Shiiiiiid I know I do. To be honest if I could be somebody for a day it will be Kae, just to be with Chris.


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