Chronicle 1: The History In The Past.

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The Dark Ages....

Where wizards that time were at grim. Under pressure from the powers of the church and the state (that joined forces), wizards were hounded to their deaths, literally. Those who escaped their own demise, heard the cries of the one's caught and burned like witches do. Or some are forced into the infamous inquisition.

There are those who are not bad at heart, not hogging to their powers to corrupt man's minds.

Only a few fled to safety...

And one of them is non other than Nicholas Copernicus.

A wizard who dared to stand up to the church's edict that the earth was the center of the solar system. He postulated a system in which the sun was at the center of the solar system, and all the planets revolved around it, instead of the sun. In addition, he was an inventor and experimented in timepieces and pendulum science....

.....He experimented in time travel.....

It was a rough day for the wizards on that age. Tinkering unimaginable magic, unexplained sorcery and of course out of this world inventions that ordinary men could never thought woul be possible. Nicholas on other hand, would spend hours... even days to improve his experiment on time travel.

On that night however, he finally felt something from his mind and body. No, he is not getting tired nor getting frustated at his work. While sitting on his favorite oakwood chair inside his secret workshop, he paused at what he was doing, removed his spectacles, and blurted out something from his mouth..

"I am getting bored lately........."

Turn Back Time (If only I could)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon