Chapter 4 - Trouble For UA

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Lucy POV

"You have a death wish Bastard?" Bakugou is about to lunge forward, I lunge at him and tackle him to the ground.

He's laying on his back. His eyes are wide staring at me. "D-don't just jump into battle like that! Baka, Baka, Baka!" I yell and stare down at him. My hands are on either side of his face. My body is in between his legs. 

He slowly nods, leaning forward.

I get off of him and get back into position. I analyze my opponent, watching how he moves, and if he has Weak points.

"Follow my lead" I shout to Bakugou. He nods and I jump forward, kicking the purple guy with my right leg. The kick simply goes through him.

But I made a discovery. He has a solid part in the middle. When I kicked my leg, the cloud dispersed so I was able to see it.

"Middle!" I shout Bakugou comes right after me, taking the portal guy by surprise. Bakugou's hands cup around the portal guys physical body and he shoots off a series of large explosions.

"Die Die DIE!!" He screams, making the portal guy become smaller, eventually showing the metal that covers his physical form.

I run over to Iida. "Iida, you need to get out those doors and signal for Hero's" I say. He nods, small sweat beads are falling from his tan skin.

He follows my orders. And runs out the door, with the portal guy down and out for the count.

"Bakugou, stay here and protect Uraraka and 13" he looks over to me. "Where are you going?!" He yells running up to me.

My eyes trace to Aizawa. "He's getting tired, and I know it" I launch myself over to Aizawa and kick a guy who was about to punch him.

He looks at me for a second, then punches a guy who runs up to him. He nods and keeps fighting.

"Lucy! The portal guy is gone!" Uraraka yells down to me from the stairs. My eyes dart around the area, trying to find him.

All of a sudden I hear a loud scream. My eyes land on Aizawa. He's kneeling on the ground, holding his arm. Pain is written in his movements.

I run over to him kicking and punching some thugs trying to attack him.

Midoriya, Kirishima, And Bakugou run up and watch as I drag Aizawa over to them.

I don't even have to speak. They all nod and take Aizawa a few feet away.

I turn my body to be faced with a blue haired guy, his face is covered by a mask that's shaped as a hand.

"Where is he?! Where is All Might!" He screams "I Tomura Shigaraki shall kill All Might!" He yells.

After his announcement he looks to me. "You, you don't have a chance against my Nomu!" 

A large dark blue bird looking human comes from the ground.

He's around 8 feet tall and has muscles upon muscles.

My face is serious.

The Nomu creature starts running towards me. My hands engulf in dark purple and black flames, as my feet carry me towards the large bird man.

Nomu and I exchange some heavy blows, when one of them catches me off guard and I get pushed back a couple of feet.

The ground shattered by the force of the punch. My body is bruised and battered.

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