Chapter 14 - Reuniting

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Lucy POV

Dabi and I found a store to buy some new clothes in, since the bad guys know what clothes we are wearing. We walked out of the front doors and looked around. Random civilians eyed us "Wow! They look like a perfect couple!" I sweat dropped hearing some of the things they were saying. "Let's go" Dabi grabbed my hand, dragging me away. From the corner of his face I could see a hint of red forming on his cheeks.

Soon we arrived at UA, I knew it would be hard to bring Dabi with me. They will all think he's still on their side. I clenched my fists and walked through the front gates, noticing the school was on some type of lock down. "Lucy!" My heart skips a beat. Turning on my heel red, white, green, and blonde hair filled my vision. "You guys!" My lips tugged into a smile.

Bakugou, Todoroki, Midoriya, And Kirishima were standing at the end of the hallway. I ran up, wrapping my arms around Bakugou and Todoroki who were in front. "Tch! Why is this guy here!" I staggered back when I felt Bakugou push me away and get in a defensive position towards Dabi. "N-no! He's not bad, he helped me escape!" I jumped in front of Dabi and spread my arms wide open, shielding him from them.

"He could have other motives! He could be using you for them" my eyes widened when I saw Todoroki's flames start illuminating the dark space around us. "You've got it wrong" Dabi stepped forward and pointed at me "I am in love with her, that is the only reason I am here" Bakugou and everyone else stumbled back. Todoroki's flames died out. "Y-You're in love with her?!" Bakugou yelled, his face twisting with anger. "YOU ARE ONE OF THE DAMN BASTARDS THAT BRAIN WASHED HER!"

Dabi lowered his head, knowing he was in the wrong. "I know, and Lucy has already forgiven me for that!" Dabi waved his hand, his eyes fixed upon the boys in front of him. "Let me help you! Let me protect her!" Bakugou's eyes widened. His hands lowered to his sides, the small explosions disappearing. "Tch, do whatever the hell you want" Bakugou walked forward and stared into Dabi's eyes.

"But if you become a threat to her, I'll fucking kill you" his voice was low and serious. Dabi nodded, accepting it with no hesitation. My eyes widened when I felt warm arms wrap around my head. "I'm so glad you are safe Lucy" leaning back I'm face to face with Todoroki. A small smile graces his handsome face as his hand cups my cheek "I was so worried about you..." his finger traces my face. His expression is soft and gentle as he holds me in his arms. "Todoroki..." I touch his cheek softly placing my forehead on his "I'm happy to know you worried about me" I whispered so only he could hear. He lets go and eyes me with a gentle smile. A staggered voice interrupts "L-Let's bring Lucy back to class now" Kirishima grabbed my wrist and bid me a reassuring smile. The others including Dabi followed behind us.

"L-Lucy?" Mr Aizawa's eyes widened, he staggered over to me. His hand snatched the back of my head and he pulled me into a tight worried hug. "I'm so glad you are safe" backing away he gave me a genuine smile. "Mr Aizawa..." I stared at him. I had never seen such a gentle expression on his scruffy face before. "Now!" He turns to his class, his hand reached out in front of him. "You will all stay in this classroom, until the pros have figured out a plan of action!" His tone was serious. Lowering my head I gripped his arm, he looked down at me "I'm going to the pro meeting, because" my eyes penetrate his with intense anger "I want to kill All For One"

I could see him gulp at my expression, I softened my stare. Also lessening my grip on his arm "s-Sorry" I backed away from him. "It's okay, you can come" He points towards the class "BUT NO ONE ELSE LEAVES GOT THAT!" The class jumped at his outburst. Once he calmed himself he looked over to Dabi who stood at the door way. "Who is that?" He points at him. I glance back at Dabi who hasn't taken his eyes off of me. "That's Dabi, don't worry he's on our side" I give Aizawa a reassuring smile.

He nods and goes to his desk. I walk up behind him and look at the screen of his computer. "When will they all be here?" Aizawa leans back in his chair. "I have no idea, some of them are far, some close" he shrugs. I nod and go over to my old desk, slumping into my chair I exhale. "You scared?" I jump at the sudden voice. Looking over I see Dabi leaning on my desk, his eyes are laced with mine. "I am a little, but I'm sure it'll turn out fine" I nod, trying to assure myself that it will all be okay. But will it?

After a couple of hours of chatting with the class and listening to Mr. Aizawa's long carried out sighs, the pro's finally show up. They are all gathered in a large conference room. "We are here because a very dangerous man named All For One has shown up!" Principle Nezu holds his small paw up. "I've already sent teams of pros to find the man and the other villains!" He points towards the other pros who sit around a large table. "Under no circumstances do the students leave the school until we find and capture the man! I've already sent out emergency emails to each parent! The school will remain under lock down as well. Some pro's have already been stationed all around the school to report any suspicious behavior." The pros start talking.

"We have to protect these children with our lives! They are the future!" The pros cheer, finally being dismissed to do what they were assigned to do. The stronger pros are put on look out around the perimeter of the school. Other pros Are stationed around each class room, making sure no one goes in or out of the classrooms.

Dabi, Aizawa, And I return to the class. Everyone is in a slight panic. "Everyone calm down! All students and staff have to remain in the building until they have caught the villains." Everyone starts talking, they sound panicked and scared. I feel my palms start sweating. Walking to the front of the class I raise my hand "Everyone!" They all look to me.

"I will NOT let anyone, or anything hurt any of you!" I tug my lips into a bright smile, pushing my thumb out I reassure them. "I've got all of your backs, you have my word" they all stare at me in 'awe'. "Lucy we are so glad to have you back!" Uraraka stands to her feet and pumps her fist into the air, everyone else stands cheering. I can't help but blush and smile at all of there loud cheering.

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