Chapter 11 - Washed

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No one POV

Days, weeks, months pass. Everyday begging for a new beginning. "Turn it on" the scratchy voice of Tomura looms through the empty dark room. A TV lights the dull room. Dabi watches as Lucy's dark, lifeless eyes gaze into the TV. Day after day he watches her go through this. Watches her watch her loved ones killed, every. Single. Day.

"She's been through an awful lot, don't you think you should stop already?" Dabi turns his attention to the blue haired man. His voice is low, angry. He felt horrible for the pain and torcher that Tomura put Lucy through.

Her body hung from the wall, her hands cuffed above her head. Her ribs were showing through her torn up bruised, pale skin. Her eyes were dark, dull. No emotions, no life resides in her.

Tomura makes a 'tch' sound and leaves, waving his hand in the air. "Get her into a new outfit. We are going to put our plan in action today" Dabi reluctantly unshackles the blonde mage. Her body falls limp onto the stone floor.

His hand traces her once beautiful face, that was full of life. His heart aches for the girl. He scoops her up carefully, caring her to a new room.

After dressing her, and trying to feed her. He watches as she stares out a window, it's been months since she has seen the morning sky.

"Let's go" Tomura bangs on the door, Dabi scoffs grabbing Lucy by her hand. Lucy lets him drag her to who knows where.

~At UA~

"We've tried so many things, but we can't find her. There is no trace of her" Kirishima grunts to the group surrounding him. Bakugou's mind wonders off onto the buss ride they had together. His hand reaches for his shoulder, remembering Lucy's sleeping face as she snored lightly, leaning on him.

"We have to find her" Todoroki stands to his feet. His expression is unreadable. His heart clenches at the fact that she might be dead. He never knew he would have fallen in love with this mage.

Lucy's frail body moves around as the car she sits in drives to its destination. She looks out the window, her brain only seeing her job. 'Kill All Might' runs through her mind. That's all she thinks about anymore. Her one job is to kill this man.

The car stops, the door opens to show UA highschool. "Go, you know what you have to do" she nods, not even glancing at Tomura. Her feet touch the ground. She stands, looking up at the tall building ahead of her. 'Kill All Might'

The car behind her speeds away, she doesn't take a second look as she starts to walk into the school. "L-Lucy?" Her eyes wonder to a short brown haired girl. "Y-you're alive?" The girl runs over to her. Lucy's face neutral. "Do I know you?" Lucy's voice is monotone. "L-Lucy it's me, U-Uraraka" Uraraka searches Lucy's dull eyes, looking for some sort of hope. "Please move, I have a job to do" Lucy pushes the girl to the floor, Uraraka lands in a thud.

Gasps and small screams are heard when she does this. "What's goi-" Aizawa stops dead in his tracks. "L-Lucy?!" All of a sudden the front yard of the school shoots up in flames. Screams, and whimpers are raging through the still air. Lucy walks straight to her goal.

"Bring me All Might" she stops, once she sees Aizawa. "Lucy c-calm down" Aizawa tries to reason with the blonde demon. "BRING ME ALL MIGHT" the fire surrounding the building grows higher.

"W-what was that?" Midoriya jumps from his seat. His eyes shoot open when he looks out the window, black fire is all he sees. "GUYS!" They all start running out of the room they were in. "It's Lucy! I just know it is" Kirishima hollers to his friends. They all nod, not wanting to waist a second more.

"L-Lucy?" Bakugou stumbles on his words when he comes face to face with the blonde. "GO LEAVE NOW!" Aizawa screams, trying to tell the students to leave.

"I AM HERE!" A loud "boom" takes over. Lucy turns her body to see a stoic All Might. "Finally" she watches All Might walk closer to her. "Lucy calm down!" All Might raises his large hands. Noticing the girl is not to be reasoned with.

"Equip" her body morphs and her dragon armor is shown. "YOULL DIE TODAY, SYMBOL OF PEACE!" She launches her body forward.

"LUCY!" Todoroki screams, tears falling from his eyes.

A brilliant golden wall of fire pushes Lucy back and she stumbles onto the ground.

"E-Endeavor?" A whisper comes from Midoriya's mouth. Everyone's eyes glued to the scene unraveling in front of them.

All Might POV

"Took you long enough" All Might looks to the tall, firey man. "I was busy, doing hero work" Endeavor grunts at the 'Symbol Of Peace'.

"Well, get ready for the toughest fight of your life" Endeavor is obviously confused by those words I speak, but in reality, I don't think we can beat her. My palms sweat, and my heart races rapidly in my chest.

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